Chapter 13: My Brother's Eyes

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If someone had told me a month ago that i was about to jump out of a train onto a roof in a burst of adrenaline, i wouldn't have even considered the fact. Just a week ago, I was tucked away in a drab house living an unstimulating, fear injected life.

As the train continued on, I began to be aware of murmuring amongst groups of mostly dauntless born, with a few Candor and Erudite mixed in. A blond Amity boy seemed to overhear what they were discussing, and his face become white with fear. What was going on?

Christina wasted no time in solving this apparent mystery. "If you guys have something to say, say it to everyone." Typical Candor behavior.

The previously whispering group looked over at her in surprise, and the Candor boy among them responded to Christina with equal bluntness.

"We have to jump off this train and onto a the roof."

I began to panic. They couldn't expect us to jump to our deaths. Maybe some dauntless born would make it, but I was a weak Abnegation girl who had never worked out a day in her life. Unless you count running home from school to make it there on time, in a desperate attempt to avoid my father's abuse.

"The train doesn't stop?" I interjected, with a slight whimper that I couldn't suppress.

The group began to laugh hysterically, although the transfers shared the same look of fear. There seemed to be a common feeling of, "What the hell did we get into? What exactly were these crazy people all about?"

Beatrice had been staring off into space, but her attention had been drawn by my question.

Almost everyone on the train got up and began to shake their hands out or cross their arms nervously. Some transfers were trying to blend in with the dauntless born, although the fear on their faces never dissipated.

I totally forgot about Christina and Beatrice after that point. My only concern was making the jump. Becoming faction less would be far worse than surviving Dauntless initiation. I was determined to belong.

All of the dauntless born were in their usual get up, provocative black clothing. I looked at my long gray dress in shape. I must have looked so conservative, so out of place.

I slowly walked to the open train car door were mostly Dauntless born were jeering and acting rowdy about how their jump was going to be something special. They had no fears or not making the jump at all.

The roof was getting closer at closer. It reminded me of the one time I stupidly tried to use a slightly with some Dauntless born as a six year old, and I sat at the top without moving, staring at what seemed like an imminent source of pain. I realized that if I didn't jump right away, I never would. It was like a mental block. I had to force myself to complete the task at hand, no matter how insane.

I gripped the handle of the door as the roof came into view. Without giving it anymore thought, I exploded off the floor of the train and landed on the gravel covered roof on my back, which effectively knocked the wind out of me.

I had clearly jumped too early. I was about three feet from the first side of the roof that I had seen while on the train. All I could do is was lay there, gasping. There wasn't much time to wallow in my own shock and pain, as a group of dauntless born skillfully landed on the roof next, some of them on their feet, Christina a few seconds behind them. Beatrice followed. The Abnegation in me felt bad for abandoning them, but I felt that I needed to focus on myself from that point on.

Some of the dauntless born looked at me in shock, realizing that I had been the first to jump off. I didn't want to cause any problems, so I shuffled toward Beatrice and Christina. The landing didn't seem to have affected them too much.

A man who appeared to be a dauntless leader took control of the process of initiation. It only later occurred to me that he had been with us the entire time. He had dark skin and a fierce look about him, like he was not to be messed with. Although most Dauntless appear that way. "That's the first time an Abnegation has been the first to get onto the roof. Interesting." He smirked, ignoring the Dauntless born who kept pestering him with what appeared to be inside jokes. He may have been friends before, but he was all business now.

The sister of a Dauntless born girl had not made the jump, and i was shocked at how she had to move on from her death quickly. Obviously the Dauntless do not slow down for anything. Despite my uneasiness, I was one step further then the girl who had fallen to her death.

Max disrupted everything that was going on with a loud voice, "To get into the Dauntless compound, you must jump."

Jump? Again? When does this madness end? The jump had to have been several stories. What was stopping us from plummeting to our deaths? But what was stopping them from killing us before initiation even truly began?

"Whoever wishes to go first may." Max said and then stepped away from the hole in the roof.

To my surprise, Beatrice walked speedily toward the hole and after a few seconds of staring down, jumped. Max looked down as well and then gave the all clear for the next person to jump.

A couple Dauntless born took the plunge, and I told myself that I would not be the last jumper. I walked right up to the hole and stepped slightly in front of the dauntless girl who's sister had died. She was too busy holding back sobs to care. I didn't look down, and stepped of the ledge.

I turned over and faced the sky as I experienced the sickening, yet exhilarating, feeling of free fall. Before I knew it, the impact of my body onto a net jolted me to become aware of reality.

But nothing prepared me to gaze into my brothers eyes.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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