Chapter 2 The Encounter

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Author's Note
Sorry I haven't been updating lately I had writer's block so to make up to you guys I'm going to try to update regularly for now on😄😭😌😍😥😅😣😘
____________________________________ Class ended then you expected it to be, you sighed as you ran your hand through your bed hair as you decided to gather up your things and heading to your locker to get your lunch before you can do so you smelled presence or rather felt a presence you turned around just to see a red headed vampire he had red wavy shoulder length hair and emerald green eyes filled with curiosity and mischievousness, you snarled in a rather rude and annoyed tone "the fuck do you want?" as you glared at the sly vampire," hey chill out inu-chan I just wanted to check out the hot new student everyone was taking about " he said in a flirtatious tone, you rolled your eyes at the vampire as you didn't have time to entertain(wink*wink*) him with your response so you calmly ignored him and arrived at your locker as soon as you opened your assigned  locker your locker suddenly  slammed shut and you was met with the emerald eyed vampire again and he put his hands trapping you( not really trapping you at your locker because your taller than all the sakamaki brothers) "come on inu-chan I think got off on the wrong foot here" he said as he neared closer to you, you sighed as you pushed past him as you reopened your locker and got your lunch with a sigh "aww that was no fun inu-chan(1)" he whined as he
finally stop following you going to his lunch table you sat at a table where there was not much crowded people and took your f/f(2) and started eating but shake the feeling someone was watching from afar you got up and threw away your trash before getting shoving your hands in your pocket and decided to walk around and explore night school once again before you run into one of them idiotic vampires.
Author's Note
Sorry if it was too short but just incase I didn't explain their  appearances better because I'm not so great with that😥😣😅😰

1.inu-chan means puppy

2.f/f means favorite food

Just incase you didn't know and now with the appearances😄🙏 but that's going to be next time because I mind as well do it while continuing the story.I'm going try to upload  them on the next part : )
Bye Bye😘muah!

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