Chapter 20 A Date With Kanato Sakamaki

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Author's Note
I'm literally feel like updating all day now don't know why but I think thats a good thing? Right? MamaFujoshi-Chan really don't know but the story continues....I guess
"Hey brat" you said taking a glance at Kanato

" I'm not a brat you peasant" Kanato said glaring at you while holding Teddy against his chest

"whatever...I was going to tell you where we were going but nevermind" you said looking the other way innocently, you smirked feeling Kanato's death glare

you love messing with Kanato especially in cooking class

You and Kanato stood at the counter of a very new fancy café that just opened

Kanato's faced lit up like a christmas tree as he looked at the different pastries displayed

"Hello what can I get you guys?" The employee behind the counter said with a fake smile

"shut up peasant!" Kanato yelled at the lady as he was trying to decide which pastry to order

You smacked Kanato on the back of his head causing him to be in shock but then he glared at you and stomped on your foot causing you to flinch


"Excuse me love birds are you going to order or what?" the employee behind counter said clearly annoyed

Kanato gave the girl a death glare then took a deep breath and gave you Teddy " hold Teddy for me" he tried to grab the employee by the throat yelling out curses

you dropped the teddy bear and grabbed Kanato by his waist trying to stop him from strangling the employee

You placed plates of pastries on the table and sat down acrossed from him disappointed

"Did you think that was necessary?" You said glaring at him

" yes she got what she deserved" Kanato shrugged and grabbed a fork and took a bite of his cake with Teddy in his lap smiling

The bear creeped you out
" I'm bored! You're so boring Kanato!" you whined as Kanato ate his fifth cake

" so I'm not here to entertain you, your supposed to entertain me" Kanato said shrugging

You smirked and shrugged like Kanato did he rose an eyebrow but ignore you and took a bite of his cake

You grabbed your fork and took a piece his cake and put it in your mouth

" why are you eating my cake!? I demand you to stop peasant! " Kanato yelled like a child

You smirked and mocked him in a baby voice " why are you eating my cake!? I demand you to stop peasant!" You yelled back in mockery snickering

Kanato gave you the most hateful glare you could possibly make

He then took a scoop of cake on his fork and was about to eat it until you put your hand on his and used his hand to make it look like he's feeding you and you ate the cake off the fork

Then you pulled Kanato over the table and kissed him fully on the lips Kanato tried to pull away and pushed on your chest

You gripped his wrist and he melted in the kiss

You explored his mouth tasting vanilla icing you then pulled away and licked your lips

End of date
You took your phone out and took a selfie with a blushing Kanato and a frowning Teddy in the background and you have the peace sign up and licking your lips

Kanato eyes widened hearing a click from your phone

"You imbecile!" Kanato yelled and started choaking you

Teddy smirked
Extended Ending
Kanato heard a ding, he look on his phone and saw a message from an unknown ID caller

There he saw the picture of the date today, Kanato blushed and gripped his phone
( deal with it)

Author's Note
Sorry if it was a little short! But I'll be updating again today so look out for that update! Anyways! MamaFujoshi-Chan loves guys and I'll see you in the next chapter!Kisses!😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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