A/N Appearances 😁

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Author's Note
Okay here we go guys did a little research so here we go!
Name: Azusa Mukami
Sign: Scorpio
Status: Alive
Race: Vampire but was a human (formerly)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Gray/purple (anime)
Hair color: Black/Artichoke Green (anime)
Occupation:3rd year Highschool Student
Favorite Food: Shichimi Togarashi
Hobbies: Collecting Knives
Backstory:Azusa was a child wandering around in the streets. His past suggested that he was living among gypsies and maybe being one of them as well. He nearly starved to death until he was saved by someone. Still, he felt that his existence in this world had no meaning.

He was later picked up by three thieving children named Justin, Melissa and Christina, who would constantly beat him up for any ridiculous reason. However, as they beat Azusa more and more, Azusa began to laugh - he enjoyed the pain and feels that the pain he felt was proof that he was alive and that his existence had a meaning. That his pain was giving happiness to those children and making them feel better, which was giving him a purpose.
Name: Ruki Mukami
Sign: Taurus
Status: Alive
Race: Vampire but was a human (formerly)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue-Gray
Hair color: Black
Occupation:3rd year High School Student
Favorite Food: Soup
Hobbies: Puzzles
Personality:He always has an intimidating smirk on his face matched with a calm tone, but also has a sense of brutality can be felt in his spoken words. Without dirtying his own hands, he interacts with others as a cruel-hearted military do-S (extreme sadist). Ayato tends to mock him for his sometimes forced intellectual manners.

Ruki likes to view and treat Yui like livestock, not only because she is a human and he a sadistic vampire, but also because in his past he was treated that way by the stronger grown ups in the orphanage he lived in.
Backstory:Before he was turned into a vampire, Ruki was a human born into a rich family. He was a spoiled little boy who was a member of the 'aristocracy' and found amusement in treating other people harshly and sadistic. However, as karma would have it, Ruki’s father, a kind and generous person, wasn’t good at managing his business/money and became bankrupt.

Ruki found out about his father's bankruptcy when he woke up to the servants ransacking the house for valuables. When he tried to stop them, they banded together to beat Ruki up for all the cruel things he did to them while telling him about the state of his family. To make matters worse, they told him that his mother ran off with her secret lover, leaving only a letter saying that she loves him. After the beating, Ruki went to the garden and found that his father had hung himself.
Name: Yuma Mukami
Sign: Leo
Status: Alive
Race: Vampire but was a human (formerly)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Light Brown
Occupation:3rd year High School Student
Favorite Food: Sugar Cubes
Hobbies: Vegetable Gardening
Personality:The voice, body, and attitude of this rebellious do-S are all big. He often goes on rampages, but he falls asleep after he becomes bored. He can always be found munching noisily on sugar cubes. He is very sadistic and rough and also quite perverted and hot-tempered.

As a child, he was very lively and cheery. Sometimes too rebellious to his parents who were religious people while he didn't believe in God. After the incident and his amnesia, he had to become even tougher if wanted to survive out on the streets with the other members of his rebellion gang. He grew violent, rough, and dominating with time.
Backstory:Yuma lived as a child in a small village with his parents. His parents were poor and hard working village people, who were also very strict and religious, dealing really harsh treatments (like beating Yuma for refusing to pray to God). Yuma still loved them and knew they were good simple people. (In DARK FATE, he starts to recall his past better Yuma manages to remember them when he visits the burned down and later rebuilt village.)

Yuma is actually Shu's childhood friend, Edgar. He met Shu when he was still a human, in the forest one night. Shu and Yuma became best friends, but Reiji destroyed Yuma's village in a fire. Wanting to save his parents, Yuma went into the fire despite Shu's protest, and Yuma "died". Later, it's revealed that he somehow survived and woke up with injuries, but had no memories of his past or of what happened.
Name: Kou Mukami
Sign: Aquarius
Status: Alive
Race: Vampire but was a human (formerly)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue (left) Red (right)
Hair color: Blonde
Occupation:3rd year High School Student
Favorite Food: Vongole Bianco
Hobbies: Dancing
Personality:He appears friendly, but he's actually very selfish and two-faced. Anything surrounding this idol Do-S (extreme sadist) is always at his mercy. He uses his handsome, beautiful face to his own advantage.

Due to his brutal childhood, Kou can easily switch his cheery and easy going usual appearance of a superficial person and an idol, to a vicious and very cruel merciless monster who doesn't understand at all, the very meaning of love. Thinking that all of the humans are vile creatures who either want to use and abuse, or be used if they are paid for that.
Backstory:As a human child, he was abandoned in a manhole and never knew anything about his parents or where he had come from. Because he lived in the sewers, Kou would always dream of obtaining the blue sky he saw above. One day, soldiers are looking for rebels who randomly shot a pair of mother and child in front of Kou as an example to potential rebels. Kou didn’t understand what was going on or what the soldiers that found him intended to do to him. When they saw his face, they sent him to the orphanage. Upon arriving there, he received good food, clean clothes, and all the nice things he wasn’t able to have in the sewers. Kou thought of the orphanage as heaven

Then Kou was taken to a "club." Because of a war that was going on, the country needed money. To earn quick money to fund the war, the club chose beautiful children like Kou from the orphanage and offered them up as merchandise and "entertainment" for aristocrats. Young Kou was whipped, cut, beaten, and tortured, physically abused in all possible ways. He was so in-demand that his bruises and wounds didn't have time to heal. Kou didn't want to think that his beating was painful, wanting to believe that he should be happy because he could have nice things and because he was repaid for that treatment.
Author's Note
Okay guys let me know if there's a repeat or mistakes or typo and will gladly fix it😄
Okay bye my lovely children and kisses😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 and p.s. the next chapter is very exciting shhh~

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