A Little Troublemaker Random Chapter Lol

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Author's Note
Guys you won't believe what happened! I dropped my fucking phone and I'm pissed that's why I didn't update the day before that or the other last couple days right after my short about nurse senpai anyways I'm excited and all you know getting done with my first short and my phone being an asshole was like fuck you! And jumped out my hand! Omg! And I literally went through five stages of depression or grief as you may say and now my phone has a fucking spider web on its screen like I can barely see what I'm typing so don't mind the spelling errors or grammar but anyways enough of my asshole of a phone let's go enjoy the random chapter I made
"M/n! Stop! Don't pull that!" Your mother yelled running towards a cute h/c or f/c wolf pup that's growling, biting, and pulling at the curtains covering the window

Your mother quickly scooped puppy M/n in her arms right before the curtains could fall
on puppy M/n

Your mother giggled and held you up to her face with a smile and you barked happily and licked her nose putting your paw on her cheek

Your father was gone at work at this time probably flirting with his coworkers cheating on your poor mother like the manwhore he was

You may had been young but you weren't dense and dumb to know that your father always come in drunk smelling disgusting

You continued to bark standing on your hind legs pawing at your mother's legs with excitement

You turned into your other form and ran to the table like the good child you were, you loved your mother to death working her butt off bringing in little money and food to the table while your father was drunk half of the time to care what your mother did

You smiled and smelled your mother's delicious carrot soup or
(favorite soup)

You smiled and wrapped your arms around your mother's neck and jumped up hugging her and squeezing her tight like she was going to disappear even though she was going to disappear soon from your father's hands in a couple of days

"Thank you mommy! I love you! Your the best!" You yelled and jumped back into your seat and started devouring the whole bowl in a whole minute but all your mother did was giggle at your cuteness and poured you some more of her delicious soup

Of course you ate the whole bowl of soup in a minute

Then mom placed a streaming/frozen/spongy treat which looked delicious (favorite pie or dessert)

"Hey mphom where's dhad?" You said with your mouth full swallowing your dessert shivering

Your mother ruffled your hair and you pouted

Time to lay down baby ~" your mother said rushing you to your bed and hurriedly tucked you in  shaking and nervously

You were confused "mom? What-
Your mother cut you off with her finger on her lips and your eyes widened hearing a crash in the kitchen

You frowned it was your father he was home and he was drunk

You felt your mother's soft lips on your chubby cheek and she hurriedly left your room locking it and closing the door

You sniffled and tried to get off your bed but ended up falling on your butt with a thud

You quickly ran to the door unlocking it and opened and saw a  horrific sight you saw yourself slicing your father's throat wide open and you covered your mouth with tears in your eyes and you felt yourself gag at the horrible sickening sight blood and guts everywhere
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You woke up with a jolt and looked around everything looked a little small

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