Chapter 28 My Mom's New Fiancé!?

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Author's Note
I'm so evil! Muhahahaha! You know what in this chapter I'll make your mom meet the Mukami and Sakamaki brother's father yes now I can add more drama and harems because with no harem no life!
I just love a good drama in a fanfic! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(/^▽^)/ and I'll make it more intense! Now the reader will have more paths in his life yays! But *ahem* the story continues... With more drama! (>y<)
It WAS a beautiful relaxing Saturday just you in the bed sleep until somebody hopped on where the sun don't shine waking you up

"M-Master! Help! There's a stranger in the house with mommy!" Lucy yelled shaking you

You wheezed with a cough you felt like somebody punched you in the teabag!

"Wait... A stranger!?" You hopped up and Lucy fell off the bed but luckily she turned into her other form and landed on her feet

You scooped up Lucy into your arms and opened the door

"And they were making kissy faces at each other and they were sucking each other faces off then the stranger tried to pick me up!" Lucy meowed and snuggled in your chest

(Yeah you forgot to put clothes on now your walking around half naked with only your boxers on)

You growled and barged in your mom's bedroom just to see a guy with shoulder length pink/white hair, gold/pink eyes hiding behind some black glasses,a white suit on with a black undershirt with a brown vest on his undershirt, and a smug smirk on his face when you barged in

You glared at him something tells you you can't trust him and he smelt like a vampire

"Mom! Why the hell is there a vam- I mean random guy in your room!?" You pointed accusingly at him then you pointed at her

"M/n you scared me! Oh this man? This is going to be my new fiancé and your dad!" Your mother said looking at him lovingly

You were shocked why didn't she tell me she met a suspicious guy? You thought grimly

You gave him an animalistic growl

And Lucy got in her original form and hid behind you hissing at him then retreated back behind you

Your mother gasped and frowned "M/n that is not how you treat a guest! You know better! Use your manners!" Your mother scowled picking up her soup spoon

You whimpered with your ears flattening against your head and whined

"But! Mom! He's dangerous! I don't trust him!" You whined to your mom pointing at him

"Now now your overreacting! I'm pretty sure Mr. Reinhart doesn't cost any harm! Now apologize to the man!" Your mother scowled shaking her soup spoon at you

"B-But" you stuttered looking at "Mr. Reinhart"

"No buts young man! Apologize" your mother said angrily and quite embarrassed with your actions

You sighed having an attitude and crossed your arms over your chest and looked anywhere but him and apologized gloomy like

"I'm sorry "Mr. Reinhart" " you empathized his name

"Mr. Reinhart just chuckled and walked up to you and ruffled your hair

Lucy hissed at him for touching you

"Lucy! You too!?" Your mother said putting her hands on her hips

Lucy flattened her ears down on her head and put her hands behind her back hanging her head low in shame kicking nonexisting dirt

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