Chapter 15 A Cute But Clingy Kou

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Author's Note
I'm so excited for this chapter and I was reading this fanfic called A Fujoshi Trapped In A Perfect Seme's Body and it just inspired and energized me to update my book
A special thanks to theyaoiarmy for energizing me God I'm such a disgrace reading all this yaoi and not giving you guys a chapter for my selfish needs so I'm going to bring out two chapters don't know if it'll be long though but I love you guys but if you're a Fujoshi like me or just looking for some tension of yaoi follow the yaoi army and read this wonderful book I mentioned and I love my lovely children and let's continue this chapter together oh I'm blabbering too much now let's begin!(>y<)ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
"Ah! M/n you're just too cute! But ah! my ass hurt M/n!" You opened your eyes just to meet Kou's different colored eyes you blushed and looked away you couldn't believe that you fucked Kou yesterday
oh wait a minute what is this pleasure!?

"Kou" you moaned and closed your eyes leaning into his touch hypnotized in his touches then your eyes opened just to see a smilingly Kou he's very cute when he's smiling you thought Wait.....what!? Argh!!! You were too in your thoughts that you didn't here what he said you snapped out of your daze by shaking your head like a wet puppy

"What you say?" You said rather confused on what you missed

"I said take a bath with me and clean me out please!" Kou said rather sweetly but with a hint demand "because we have to go to school in an hour, we slept pass 9 am" you jumped up and made the water
You got in the bath feeling the hot water wash over your muscles washing off the dried up cum that was on your chest and Kou followed after and Kou turned his butt towards you shaking it rather teasingly you had to control yourself

"Hm! hm! Be gentle M/n please?" You sighed and stuck your finger into his entrance he moaned rather lewdly "will you shut up!? My mom and the maids could hear us!" You said rather panic like and moved your finger around hearing the wet sounds coming from him and him trying to keep the moans down

"Do you want me to punish you?" You said rather seriously but Kou looked at you and smirked
"oh daddy your going to punish me? Please do daddy I've been a bad bad boy daddy" he said lustfully in your ears and moving on your member and seductively blowed in your ear and bit and nibbled on it tenderly earning a shudder from you

"d-don't do that or else"you said  threateningly and lustfully looking up at him

He giggled "or else what fuck me senseless?" Kou said  mischievously why did Kou knew how to push your buttons?

Oh you'll show him alright
"Just shut up and wash up and get out!" You said irritated like
10 minutes later
You jumped out your bedroom window heading to the woods in your wolf form with Kou on your back he held onto you like his life depended on it and it did! You zipped pass trees in a blur like fashion "M/n slow down all this bouncing is making my butt hurt worse!" Kou whined but you ignored him seeing you  guyswere already close to his mansion and you slowed down and bent down for him to get up
(I forgot to mention you were a big wolf )

he limped to the door step you knew that his brothers was going to kill you and you felt guilty none the less but he asked for it you howled before vanishing into the woods to get home for your driver to take you to school come to think of it you haven't heard from the Sakamaki's for a while but you were looking forward for school again
Time Skip to a chibi clingy Kou hugging a irritated M/n
You entered school with your hands in your pockets minding your own business until you sensed a presence coming right at you then you automatically moved out the way  just to see a pouting Kou on the floor you clicked your tongue in annoyance "aww M/n your so mean!" Kou said in a fake hurt voice holding a hand to his heart dramatically you glared at him for a little bit and sighed

"What are you doing here?" You said irritated Kou giggled "your so silly M/n! I go to this school!" Kou said happily and hugged you sighed and face palmed of course "but M/n do you mind meeting me in the abandoned science room?" You narrowed your eyes suspiciously

"Why?" You asked trying to prove your suspicions Kou pouted "is it bad to spend time with my husband?" He said possessive like you took a long look at him trying to read him but shrugged
"I guess but can you stop calling me that at school?" You said looking if anybody was around well there was this group of Fujoshi girls squealing and whispering about you guys while stealing glances and squealed once again but you somehow couldn't shake the feeling of being watched

"Yay! thanks Teddy!" Then Kou did something unexpected he grabbed your tie and pulled you into a kiss you frozed he kissed you in front of everybody and all you heard was shrieks from the group of Fujoshi "see ya! Teddy!"then Kou skipped away happily touching his lips stealing a kiss from you was wonderful why was kissing M/n so addictive?

You stood there watching his retreating form and brought your hands up to your face and turned red
Kou stopped skipping"uh? Did I hear something?... Nah I doub it"
Kou smirked and went on his way.
Author's Note
Okay guys I'm going to bring out chapter 16 part 2 and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and is looking forward for my next chapter coming out probably later on today or in the next hour hey I don't know😖 but just so you guys know I'm bringing out the next chapter don't you guys always be hyped when your phone bill get paid and next thing you know you has to wait another day for it to come back in but then you end up using your gigabytes up already regretting doing that knowing you needed those gigabytes for wattpad that's how I feel right now ugh stupid Fujoshi-Chan! Okay bye my lovelies I'm going to eat ramen noodles and watch M/n f-oops I can't give out any spoilers just yet but kisses and see you in the next chapter! Muah!😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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