Chapter 26 Bored Without Kou

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Author's Note
Hey! Hey! Hey! It's
MamaFujoshi-Chan! I hope you guys read my A/N if not that's fine sometimes i dont like reading A/N either but of course me being an author has to read them to show respect to the other authors but mostly in my A/N i talked about choices and jarems so yeah if you want go check that out by anyways!
The story continues....

( sorry not sorry XD)
You sighed as you leaned against your palm on your desk listening to the boring lesson your teacher is instructing

Then you felt a piece paper get thrown at the back of your head you growled and looked back

And saw a pointing Ayato

You looked down and saw the wad of paper you grumbled and picked up with annoyance

You opened it up just to give you a reason to be even more annoyed

Your such an idiot nodding off in class -Ayato

You glared at Ayato and turned around deciding to pay attention in class for once until again you felt a wad of paper get thrown at the back of your head

A anime tick mark appeared on your head when you turned around again at Ayato

What happened to your so called "husband"? And don't ignore me reply back dumbass! -Ayato

You used your pencil and wrote in bold none of your business asswipe! -an annoyed M/n

Ayato rolled his eyes as he read the note and wrote something down and threw it back at your head

You picked up the note
Ah you look so lonely lowlife how about me and you go at the school's backdoor and you show me how you pathetic wolves hunt because I'm not giving you any of my takoyaki!

You wrote on the piece of paper again your so mean you ungrateful brat and my mom stopped making me school lunch because I need to have my other form balanced with my human form so shut up! -an angry M/n

(Yeah reader-kun's mom stopped making him lunches
Because if he can't keep is wolf form balanced with his human form his wolf form might take over and it might result with a blood bath but if he keep his human form unbalanced he might just go wolf all together and run off into the woods and never return so yeah! (;ω;) I think... that makes sense! +︿+)

Before Ayato could recieve the note the teacher yelled out your name "M/n! Do you have something to share with the rest of the class!?" Your teacher yelled slamming his ruler on your desk

"Tch... your so annoying" you said glaring at the teacher

"What did you say you little..!" Your teacher said shaking with anger

"Are you deaf? I said your annoying" you said looking the teacher in his eyes

"You know what? GO TO THE PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE NOW!" Your teacher yelled pointing at the door

You smirked and bowed  "with pleasure" you said slamming the classroom door very loudly

You sighed went to your locker to get what you need for cooking class
(Yeah you know what? Let's give Kanato some love! (´・ω・`))

Diabolik Lovers Who Knew Innocemce Can Disappear In A Blink of an eye Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora