Chapter 27 Why Is Everybody Acting So Strange!?

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Author's Note
OMG! GUYS! I FELT LIKE I WAS GOING TO DIE! REALLY! It was soooo much work! I didn't know we had all that stuff to move! Omg! Ugh I hate moving especially to a new house! I-I'm okay now.... ಥ_ಥ I was literally crying it was so hot yesterday I was sweating and I felt disgusting my mom was yelling at people and I had a headache! Ugh! Anyways!......

Actually I don't even feel like saying it!
You glared down at Shu for making you kiss the floor

"Well aren't you going to apologize bastard?" You said tapping your foot on the floor impatiently waiting for an apology

Shu opened his eyes slowly with a light blush and closed his eyes again and spoke to you in monotone

"What do you want M/n? " Shu said with a blush

"Tch stop laying in the middle of the hallway and apologize to me!" You said annoyed

Shu just layed there and there was an awkward silence until you sighed and shrugged letting it go thinking it'll get nowhere like this but as soon as you you were about to leave you felt a grip on your wrist stopping you in your tracks

You turned around and saw Shu sitting up your eye twitched

"Eh!? Why are you using me to get up?" You said looking confused

Until Shu looked up and his eyes glowed blue

Your eyes widened you knew exactly what that ment! Ayato did the same something!

You tried to get away but Shu yanked you down and you fell on your face with a thud

Shu dragged you towards him and you clawed at the wooden floors leaving scratch marks on the floor

"Nooooo! Shu what are you doing!? Ugh!" You cried out with anime tears streaming down your face

Shu then pinned you under him and left you no chance in escaping

You cried out seeing Shu get closer to your neck with his sharp fangs

"Stop! If this is a joke its not funny!!!" You yelled pushing against his chest trying to use your inhuman strength but not trying to hurt him either until somebody came to the rescue

"The Hell Shu!" Subaru yelled with anger clearly shown on his face

You smiled at Subaru trying to save you but then your smile faltered

"Only I can touch him! And I mean me!"Subaru growled pointing to his self

They both glared at each other you sweat dropped

"I mean... Don't I get a say in this!?" You said confused

"NO!" They both yelled glaring at you then went back to their starting contest

You crawled from under Shu hoping your tail doesn't rub against him and hoping Subaru don't notice you leaving

You sighed in relief successfully escaping from 3 blood sucking  vampires

Until a certain someone bumped into you

You looked down and froze

The somebody that bumped into you was Kanato

Kanato scowled and looked up at you with anger but that soon turned into a happy smile on his face

"M/n!" Kanato said in excitement like a little child

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