Chapter 9 Sleeping Over and Privacy Problems

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You sighed as you sat on the trunk of your limo while Mr.Jimbo which you doubt that is his name because he looks too young to be called that and this is what he looks like:

"Are you done yet?" You said as he walked over to you with a smirk and you grabbed your tie you looked down at him you were a couple of inches taller than him you raised and eyebrow"w-what are you doing?" You said he smile as he got too close for ...

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"Are you done yet?" You said as he walked over to you with a smirk and you grabbed your tie you looked down at him you were a couple of inches taller than him you raised and eyebrow"w-what are you doing?" You said he smile as he got too close for comfort, "how about you and me go into the limo and do something fun just you and me I love to be dominated~" he purred your eyes widened as you felt your face burn
"W-Whatever!" You said as you looked the other way, he smirked
as he got closer "i-idiot shut up and get out of my way" you said
with a blush he chuckled as he let go of your tie then you felt little drops on your head then rain started to pour you groaned and frowned looks like we're going to pay the Sakamaki's mansion a little visit, "Jimbo get my luggage" Jimbo had your luggage (that magically appeared out of nowhere😂😅)
Time skip to a depressed Shu groan sigh....
You guys stood on the porch to the Sakamaki's mansion, how you guys got there? You guys called a cab then called a tow truck to pick up your limo and take it to the shop to get it repaired.
"Jimbo knock on the door" you said as you held your luggage that Jimbo "claimed" that it was very heavy even though it felt light to you,"why do I have to knock on the door!?"he said then you guys
started arguing and bickering and you were at his neck in a minute and you pushed his back on the door and grabbed his collar he purred as he thought that you were going to do something inappropriate to him until the door opened just to you ended up trapping him with both of your hands on either side of his head you sat there for a second and noticed the position you were in and blushed and jumped off him in hurry and you looked at the door just to see Yui standing there surprised maybe because she saw you guys fall from the door, "move" you said as you pushed right pass her then you were met with Reiji. Reiji sighed, "what are you doing here M/n?"he said clearly annoyance in his voice as he pushed up his glasses "I'm staying" you said shoving your hands in your pocket "what are you waiting for?"you said annoyed he sighed once again before snapping his fingers before leaving you looked and saw that Yui had a key in her hand before asking you to follow her to the room that belonged to the key.
____________________________________Time Skip by a crying Jimbo who wanted to sleep with his master.... Why!? Can't I sleep with you!?
You sighed you were indeed tired
as you collapsed on your bed tired as hell and you felt dirty so you got off the bed lazily and left to go find Yui and ask her where's
the bathroom so you can take a shower, and you explored the mansion you had bumped into something or rather someone you heard it groan you looked down just to see Kanato on the floor groaning "w-watch where your going you i-idiot!" He yelled angrily and bashfully rubbing his head and grabbing his teddy getting ready to leave you stopped him "wait Kanato where's the bathroom?" you said Kanato grabbed your wrist and next thing you know your in front of the bathroom door "you could've at least told me instead of grabbing me and teleporting me now I won't know where it's at the second I need to go to take a whiz"you said annoyed and Kanato shoved a towel and a rag to your chest before disappearing again you sighed running your fingers through your hair before taking your shirt off showing off your well built chest then you felt a presence behind you, you turned around just to see the perverted Laito with a smirk on his face which annoyed you the most and you just realized he was in the bathroom with you with your shirt off, you growled "why are you in the bathroom with me?"you said angrily but he ignored your protest and was walking up to you with a smirk and pinned your wrists above your head you blushed and barred your teeth as he started to lick on your neck you felt yourself yelp unexpectedly then you.......
Author's Note
Ahh don't give me them looks I'll update again tomorrow or today the rest of the chapter this is part 1 okay then I'll push out part2 then to make this story a little exciting I'm going to push out chapter Beach Time But I know I have to stick with the story plot okay see you guys in the next chapter stay lovely my lovely people!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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