chapter 48

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Percy pov-

"You have some nerve showing up here!" I shout at Andrew.

"Just hear me out." He says.

"Dude, you shot her. She clearly doesn't want to see you or talk to you, so just do everyone a favor and disappear." Wade says. "Wait, weren't you supposed to be in jail for nearly killing someone?"

"My mom got me out." Andrew explains. "Then Percy's dad nearly killed me and mom had to get me out of that too, so I'm now banned from camp."

"Good." I mumble before finally looking up at him with a cold glare. "We probably shouldn't do this in the middle of the cafeteria. How about I fight you later or something because I cannot get another expulsion."

"No, Percy. We should do this now." He says.

"Let's at least do this in the hallway. Everyone's looking at us." I sigh and stand, pulling my bag over my shoulder.

Everyone at the table stands and walks out into the hallway, where there are teachers and students walking by occasionally. I walk to Dr. Hanes's office and they all of course follow me in.

"Isn't this the room you go to for therapy?" Peter's asks.

"Um... yeah." I say and Andrew looks at me weird.

"Why do you need therapy?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say.

"Okay, just hear me out, Percy." He says. "I'm in love with you. I always have been and always will be. I made a mistake because you scared the hell out of me and I know I shouldn't have done it. I need you so mu-" 

Wade must've seen the look on my face and stepped up. "If you didn't realize, she still has a boyfriend."

"Really?" Andrew looked betrayed.

Wade moved next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head against his shoulder to keep up the act. "Really." I say.

"Then why does everyone look so confused?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

"We got in a fight and worked through it earlier today. We were almost broken up, but we are back together." I say. After years of excuses and lies, I've gotten pretty quick with my reasons.

"Do you love him?" Andrew looked desperately at me.

"I might." I reply. "It might not be love, but I'm happy and so is Wade."

"Percy, we can be like we were before. Percy Jackson and Andrew Chase, a team. We were inseparable and I want that back. I miss my best friend and soulmate." He says.

"Maybe, but only if you can reset time to before you cheated, stalked, and shot me. Once you do all that, I will consider maybe taking you back." I say.

He glares at me. "You know I can't go back in time."

"Bingo." I say. "Now leave before I send you straight back to Tarta- that place." I send him my worst glare and he flinches slightly. He didn't miss my struggle on the name.

"You still have nightmares?" He asks. "So do I. We could help each other out. We can go to college together in New Rome, just like you planned. It'll be us against the world."

"I've already got plans for the future, Andy, and you're not part of them." I say. "I suggest you leave now."

"Not until I can convinc-"

I pull riptide out and uncap it. The pen turns into a long sword. Every mortal that's not Peter is surprised. Wade pulls away from me. I point the sword at Andrew Chase's  throat and apply just enough pressure to draw blood. "I said leave."

He puts his hands up in defense and backs out of the room. "We're still broken up, Wade.  And, can someone cover this up with the mist?"

"I got you." Hazel snaps her fingers and covers it up. Once they all go back to the cafeteria, the bell rings.

"I have class..." I say.

"Well, they I guess we'll see you later, Percy." Jason says. She hugs them all goodbye.

Once the day is out, she walks home with Peter.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"I think I'm fine." I say
"It just sucks that I'd still die for him."

"Why would you do that?"

"He was a great friend of mine. We were close and my fatal flaw doesn't let me ever betray anyone. I'd go to the ends of the earth or to hell and back for a friend, which I've done and I'd do again." I explain.

"Does that still include Wade?" He asks me.


"Why'd you guys really break up?" He asks me. "You never really told me."

I don't speak.

"I don't mean to pry or anything, but I'm curious."

"Curiousity killed the cat, ya know?" I smirk at him.

"But satisfaction brought it back." He says.

"Is that actually part of the saying or did you make that up?" I ask

"It's part of the saying. Have you never heard it?" He asks, laughing loudly.

"No! Is that like a well known thing, because this is the first I'm hearing of it?"

"I think." After his laughs stop he asks again. "Really, though. Why'd you break up?"

"Um..." I try to think of an excuse, but come up blank. I guess I don't want to lie to him anyway, so I tell the truth. "I have feelings for another person and didn't want to lead him on."

"Oh." He looks thoughtful for a moment and then remains quiet.

We walk in almost complete silence, with the exception of car horns and wind.

Once we reach the tower, he goes to his room and I go to the kitchen for a snack before going to my room to do my homework.

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