Chapter 5

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Edited: November 26, 2014

After washing the plate from dinner Bianca decided to call it a night and went to bed. "I'm going to sleep" She yelled as she made her way up stairs. After showering and putting on her sweatshirt and shorts she fell into a deep sleep.


As soon as she got to school Alison was waiting for me by my locker. "So how was tutoring the bad boy?" She asked nearly jumping with excitement.

"It was terrible! When Niall said he was bad at Spanish I didn't expect him to mean that bad." Bianca answered back groaning.

"He was that bad huh?"

"I don't have time for this lets get to class!"

She really didn't feel like talking about how bad Zayn was in Spanish. She had other things to do with her time.

Once they got into the class she looked on the board to what they were doing. They were working in partners for a review of what they've learned over the last few weeks.

"Okay today we are going to be working in partners today" her English teacher Mr. Rogers told the class. The whole class including Bianca bursted into cheers.

"Okay before you get excited I wanted to try something new. I want to put the people who are doing well and the ones who need help together." Cue the groans.

"Okay the groups are Alison and Jeremy, Elizabeth and Yasmin, Niall and Alexis" She really didn't care about the other names he called.

After a while her name had still not been called and there were four people left; Jacob, Emily, Zayn and me.

"Jacob and Emily, so that means you and Zayn are partners."

'Hold up! Did he just say what I think he just said? I already have to help him with Spanish and now your telling me i have to be his partner. No just no!' She thought.

"Hola Brianca." Jesus of all people she just had to get Zayn Malik! Sighing she answered with a simple 'hello'.

She didn't get it, If they were partnered up with people who got it and who don't, then who is the person who doesn't get it, because Bianca sure didn't? Maybe Mr. Rogers has been drinking a little too much and is still a little confused about what people's grades are.

They were working on an essay about troubles that they have had in their lives and how it can affect them. Here's what Bianca wrote:

I've my share of troubles in my life, probably some more than others.When I was little my mama walked out on my dad and I. As a little kid knowing that your mama walked on you because of something that she done is hard. Sometimes I would wonder if she would ever come back, but as I grew older I realized she wasn't.

My mama was never there for me when I needed her the most.

A few years before that my dad died. He was a nice guy, when ever someone was having a hard time he would help them especially when my mama started doing drugs. He tried to get her into rehab and after a few tries she agreed.

She was doing fine and making a lot of progress. But when my dad had a heart attack and died she couldn't handle that much sorrow and once again drugs became her best friend.

After a while we lost our house because mama would use the money for the bills to get her supply of drugs. We used to sleep on the street and I would go to school smelling bad. So one day a teacher asked me what was going on and I told her that 'we were just having a hard time'.

One day I waited for my mama for three hours to walk me from school. My teacher was working and saw me and I remember the exact words that came from her mouth 'Bianca why in heaven's name are you still here do you know that it's 6 o'clock? Where your mother?'

To be honest I had no idea where my mama could have been. She was probably getting high again and forgot to pick me up. 'Come on I'll take you home.' Of course I couldn't have her that we were homeless so I told her to drive me to my uncle's house.

When we got there my uncle opened the door and trust me you could see the shock all over his face. 'Bianca what are you doing here? Where's Diana?' clearly I couldn't tell that my mama was off somewhere getting in front of my teacher so I just sits that he was busy. My uncle immediately understood and brought me in the house.

That happened a couple more times and my mama would pick me up. About one year later my uncle moved back to Mexico.

Eventually my mama told I was too expensive and she left me there. I was in a foster home for about a year and that's when I made papá and Maria. I'm thankful that I got them and not some mean abusive foster parents.

I call my papá because he's like another dad to me but I don't call Maria mama because I believe that one day my mama will come back for me. I think troubles we have affect us in many ways. It can help us become a better person and it can also make us do some things that we aren't proud of. I believe god had everyone have trouble so they can learn from it and become better people.

After she finished writing Bianca asked Zayn if he wanted to read it. "Sure" he answered. She couldn't tell by his face if he was shocked or if it was that good.

"What do you think of it! Is it bad?" She asked almost biting her nails in nervousness.

"No it's really good!"

"Thanks" she mumbled. Was it really that good? After all it was just about Bianca's life experience. She left a lot of things out of there because some of those things she wasn't proud of.

The rest of the class went by with the class with the class finishing their essays.

Now you know a little bit about Bianca's past. I hope you like this chapter. Please tell me what you think about this chapter. I would love to know. :)

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