Chapter 10

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Bianca's P.O.V.

Ethan and Alison came and I guess Zayn heard me telling them to come over because he invited his friends too.

"Hey guys lets play truth or dare." Niall suggested.

"Okay. I'm up for it." I said.

"Who goes first?" Louis asked.

"How about what what ever month your birthday is first. And if your birthday Is in the same month you go by the day." Niall explained.

"Who was born in which month?"

"January." Zayn said

"Me too." Alison and Ethan responded.

"February" Harry replied.

"August" Liam said.

"September" Niall said a little too happily.

"December" me and Louis said at the same time.

"Alison when is you birthday?" Liam asked

"The 1st."

"Okay. When is yours Ethan?"

"The 6th."

"When is yours Bianca?"

"The 24th"


"Well since your name starts with a b and Louis' starts with a l Bianca goes first."

"Okay so Alison goes first."

I could see the smirk all over her face so I knew she was going to make me do something I would hate.

"Bianca truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you said that if Zayn wasn't such a jerk you would have accepted his claim?"

"Um yeah." I hate her.

Next was Ethan's turn.

"Bianca truth or dare?"


"Um I dare you to kiss Zayn."

"Um Ethan. I really don't want to do that."

Does he not know that when I kiss Zayn I'll be accepting his claim. Alison whispered something in Ethan's ear and he frowned.

"Stupid claim." He mumbled. "Fine I dear you to switch as much clothing as you can with Niall in the next 3 minutes."

"Doesn't seem so hard. What all does this include?"


"No just shirt and pants, sock shoes and hate and stuff like that."

"Piece of cake"


"Your time starts now."

"Come on Bianca. Hurry your bum up. I swear your as slow as my grandma."

After taking off my shoes. I took off my pants. Niall handed me his shoes and pants and I slipped them on. There was no way in hell was I putting on his dirty boxers. Lord knows what he could have been doing with them on.

I payed no mind to it and put on Niall's shirt while Niall puts on my shirt.

"Times up." Everyone looked at us and started laughing. I know we look ratchet.

"Guys shut up. Can you hear that?"

Everyone stopped laughing and listened. Everyone listened for about two minutes before looking back at me. "What are you talking about? I don't hear anything." Alison asked.

"You seriously can't hear that?" I asked.

"Cut the crap and tell us what your talking about." Zayn growled.

"I talking about Niall's balls. It's just yelling for help. 'Niall. Niall please I can't breathe. For the love of God, take off Bianca's pants. Please.'"

Everyone looked at Niall and started laughing.


After playing a couple of rounds of truth and dare we got bored and decided to play 'Never have I'

I got us some cups filled with beer.

"Okay Zayn it's your turn." Liam said.

"Okay. Um. Never have I hit a girl."

I took a sip from my cup. Everyone looked at me. "What? A girl said something about me that pissed me off.

No one took a drink from their cup.

"Never have I gotten expelled"

I took a drink from my cup. "You've done that before" Liam asked

"Never have I did smoked."

Zayn and I looked at each other before taking a drink from our cups.

"Bianca you smoke ?" Niall asked.

All I do is nod my head.


We played for a little longer and soon everyone left; leaving me and Alison by ourselves.

"What do you want to do?" Alison asked.

"Sleep" I said making my way upstairs.


A/N: Did everyone see the video for midnight memories? I hope you guys like this chapter. I have 525 reads and 70 votes. I hope you like the new cover.

Thanks guys. Love you.

Twisted Souls Book 1: Zayn's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now