Chapter 24

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Bianca stared at the note in shock. She couldn't believe that Zayn Malik was sorry for everything he did to her. It was a really meaningful letter considering he was the type of person who kept his feelings bottled up inside. She reread the letter a couple more times, taking in every word that Zayn incorporated in his letter. She saw that he really meant it and that he felt really bad about what he did to her. She felt as though Zayn deserved to be forgiven, after everything he went through to give her this heartfelt letter, the least she could do was forgive him.

She glanced at the letter one last time before folding it and placing it carefully on her photo album. She glanced at the clock before making her way downstairs. she figrued that she would eat before going back up to her room and staring at the note until she falls asleep. She looked at the table to see that Maria already made nachos. She really wasn't hungry, her mind still in shock from the letter. She didn't say anything at the dinner table still lost in her thoughts. She was glad that Maria didn't ask what was wrong with her. She was scared of what would come put of her mouth. After all she didn't think she couldn't think straight.

After dinner she washed her plate and went back into her room. For the longest she sat on her bed looking out the window trying to get her mind of the letter. A hour later she finally decided that she needed a cigarette. After all she hasn't had one in a while and she feels as though it'll calm her nerves.

She walked over to her draw and pulled out a cigarette from her pack. Taking out her lighter also she made her way outside. She had to sneak out because she told Maria we would stop once Antonio was born.

She made her way outside and was surprised to see Zayn leaning against the outside of house smoking a cigarette of his own. To say she was shocked would be a complete understatement. She still wasn't over the letter and the drawing he left her, she couldn't handle him outside her house. She started to regret only bring one cigarette because she could only handle so much.

As much as she wanted to ask why Zayn there, she decided to ignore him and smoke her cigarette. She watched as the kids across the street ran across their yard chasing each other. They seemed so happy and Bianca couldn't help but envy them. As much as she wanted to be happy she couldn't. Maria seemed happy now that Antonio was here, and now she had something to occupy her mind, other than the death of her husband and her lover.

Bianca took a drag from her cigarette and exhaled it. She could feel the familiar feeling of all her muscular relaxing and all the stress was lifted off of her shoulders. She felt as if she could finally breath, as if nothing could stress her out as long as she had this cigarette, except Zayn Malik She still didn't dare look at him fearing that all the stress would suddenly fall on her like a pile of bricks. After all he was the one who started all of this, before Zayn claimed her she had no worries. She was happy, everyone in her family were alive, and she didn't know that Zayn existed.

She threw her finished cigarette on the ground stumping on with her foot. She still hasn't said a word to Zayn and she wasn't planning to either. She really wanted to know why he was at her house, but at the same time she didn't. She couldn't invite him into her house. She didn't know how she was supposed to explain that the guy who killed her father have her a letter apologizing and showed up her at their house.


After Zayn walked away after his little speech, he went home. He decided he would start packing, in order to his mind off of Bianca. She's the reason he's moving, he can't deal with seeing her hurt. He didn't want her too hurt anymore. Everyday he looked at her face, he was reminded of what he did to the girl he loved. Bianca deserved to be happy after everything he did to her, and he deserved all the pain that was bought to him.

After packing for a couple of house Zayn decided to go to Bianca's house just to see how he was doing. He knew that she probably wouldn't want to see the person who killed her father. He wouldn't be surprised if she kicked or punched him a coupled of times, after all he deserved it. No matter how much pain that was bought to him, it couldn't compare to the amount of pain he bought to Bianca.

Before he left he made sure to grab his pack of cigarette from his drawer. He didn't know how long he would be waiting outside of Bianca' house, and what better way to pass the time than to have a quick smoke? He knew it was bad for him but it helped him relax. He didn't want to seem all nervous when he talked to Bianca, if she let him talk to her.

He leaned against the front of her house looking around. He watched as the kids played, and how they seemed so happy. He wished he could be happy like that, not having a care in the world. Instead he was worried of what Bianca would do when is she saw him outside of her house. He wondered if she would forgive him, even though he didn't deserve it.

He grabbed a cigarette from his pack and placed it in his mouth, feeling around his pockets for his lighter. Once he found it, Zayn lit his cigarette and placed the lighter back. As he smoked Zayn continued to watch the little kids play and laugh. He soon grew tired of their joy, he couldn't bare with seeing them happy when he couldn't be happy himself. That was another reason he was moving, he wanted to start over and be happy. He wanted to find someone who loved him back and wasn't scared of him.

He really hope that Bianca came out soon, he really needed to talk to her. He also wanted to make sure she read the letter. He also wanted to see her one last time before he left. He glanced up at the sky noticing that the sun was going down. 'Maybe she's not coming' he thought. After all it was nearing 8 o'clock. He decided to wait about 30 more minutes before going home.

He decided to smoke another cigarette in order to pass the time. After taking a few drags her notices the door opening and a figure making their way out of the door. He continued to smoke his cigarette staring at the figure walking out. As soon as they fully walked out of he finally registered that I was Bianca. He was happy but worried at the same time. What if he didn't want to see him?

She leaned against the front of he house pulling out a cigarette of her own. He was scared to interrupt her during so he finished his cigarette and looked around the neighborhood. It looked quiet and nice, there seemed like no one had to worry about a single thing. Zayn stared at Bianca as she smoke her cigarette. He figured she read the letter, seeing as she didn't make eye contact with him at all since she stepped outside.

He decided it was about time he asked her about the letter. He had been waiting here long enough and he needed an answer. "Did you get my letter? I meant 'did you read my letter?'" He asked nervously. He really hope she did, he didn't want to express his feeling out loud. He was always good at hiding his feelings, and he always hated people pitying him. He didn't need or want their pity, after all everyone loses the people they care about right?


"Um yeah I read it. It was really thoughtful. I didn't expect it." She responded. "It took me a while to think of all the words. I really am sorry for all I've done to you. You and Maria didn't deserve that, and neither does your brother. It's because of me that he'll grow up without a father." Bianca was quite speechless by this, looks like Zayn had a heart after all.

"Um thanks." Bianca didn't really know how to reply to that at all. She looked at the sky noticing that the sun had went down and it was now dark. "I just wanted to make sure you read my letter before you left. You don't have to forgive me, I understand if you never do, after all I deserve it. I want to see you happy, I don't want to see my face and remember the thing I did to you. I want you to be happy and meet someone who won't hurt you and be happy. Take care of Maria and your brother." After finishing his speech he glanced at his watch. "I have to go and finish packing. Bye Bianca, I really am sorry, I love you." Bianca stood frozen in place as Zayn kissed her on the cheek and walked away.

After watching as his figure grew smaller and smaller she finally went back inside. She decided to just go to sleep and try to forget everything that just happened to her. She didn't want to go to school tomorrow, so she figured she would just make a lame excuse of not feeling well. She wished that he would have told Zayn that she forgave him but she was too in shock to say anything. 'Well it's too late now.' She thought to herself, before closing her eyes and waiting for sleep to engulf her.


A/N: This is the last chapter. I'm gonna make an epilogue so you can see what happens. Make sure to read my new book 'Fear'

Twisted Souls Book 1: Zayn's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now