Chapter 6

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Not fully edited: it's edited until the first point of view.

When he read Bianca's essay Zayn was shocked. She didn't look like someone with a tough childhood. The first day he saw Bianca he thought she was some stuck up rich girl who had a perfect life, but after reading her essay he found out that was completely wrong.

"So was it any good?" Bianca asked Zayn.

"Why wouldn't it be good? It was perfect."

"Well maybe it's because you sat there staring at it for about 2 minutes."

"Really? That's embarrassing sorry Bianca."

"It's okay. So since I let you read mine can I read yours."

With that question his facial expression changed. He couldn't let her read that. There was a lot of deep dark stuff in there. "No" He replied harshly as possible. He could see the hurt in her eyes as he said that. If she's going to accept his claim Bianca can't know the bad stuff until he get to know her better.

Sighing Zayn said "Bianca, look its not that I don't want you to read it, because I do but there a lot of stuff in there. I'm sorry but there just some stuff I don't really trust people enough to know about me. Sorry."

"It's okay. I'm shocked I let you read it. The only ones who know about my past Is Alison and Ethan. I understand, you don't really open up to people. Don't worry I don't either."



Bianca sat down at the table where Alison was siting at. She noticed that when she was making her way to the table everyone was staring at her. So is this what happens when Zayn claims someone? 'Whatever they can stare at me all they want.' She thought to herself.

"Alison. Ethan. I have something to tell you something. You know the essay we had to do for Mr. Roger's class?" Bianca asked and they nodded their heads yes. "Well I let Zayn read mine so now he knows about my past"

Ethan started choking on his food and Alison looked at Bianca wide eyed.

"Everything" they said at the same time.

"No just my mama being on drugs and my dad dying. Me living in an orphanage and that's about it." She explained.

"Oh I thought you meant the other stuff. You know."

"Why would I tell Zayn something as dark as that. I mean after all you two are the only ones who know. My parents don't even know"

"Wait I thought you dad knew. You told me he caught you one day."

"I lied so you wouldn't tell my papá."

Ethan opened his mouth to speak but the sound of trays being placed on table stopped him. Everyone looked up to see who it was and immediately regretted it.

"Hi guys" Zayn said.

"Um hi" Bianca mumbled. 'Seriously why can't he just leave me alone. I mean why did he have to claim me of all people.' She wondered to herself.

"So what were you guys talking about before we came" Niall asked.

"Um nothing really."

She could tell Zayn and the others didn't buy that. After all she wouldn't even believe herself and that's a whole new level of sad. As if reading her thoughts Zayn said "That's a bunch of bullshit. Tell me the truth."

"Um we were just talking about how I wish I had my phone."

"Wow now I kinda wish you didn't tell me."

Twisted Souls Book 1: Zayn's StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin