Chapter 13

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Bianca's P.O.V.

"Why? Why would you do this?! I didn't do anything to you nor did my papá." I asked. I was fuming. He couldn't hurt me instead? This is my fault, this is all my fault.

"Why? Because I told you I was going to make sure that you accepted this claim. Did I not warn you?" He paused laughing. It wasn't a happy laugh, it was a crazy laugh. I'm pretty sure I almost shit my pants.

After I didn't answer he continued. "Bianca sweet, sweet Bianca. You brought this on yourself. You should have just accepted when you had a change. But don't worry I'll make sure I make these next 2 weeks terrible.

Okay this person is crazy. I wonder if he's ever been to jail. I looked at my watch and saw that we've been in the car for 15 minutes now. Only 30 more minutes.

"What did you do to him?" I asked. Since he did cause all of this mess I should at least know what happened with my papá.

"Babe you don't need to know that. You might go tell the police and I get arrested and if you do that trust me I'll come back for my revenge"

Note to self : stay the crap away from Zayn and you'll probably live. Fine I guess I'll just find out what happened when I get to the hospital.

"Why can't you be like other guys and just ask me out if you liked me? Instead you go and claim me, threaten to kill my family AND me. Now my papá could be dead this very minute and all you care about is getting me to accept this claim but I know that will never happen."

"Listen here Bianca, you will accept this claim. If I have to kill everyone you care about then so be it but you WILL be mine."

"You know if you weren't a jerk then maybe I would have said yes to you."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I mean when I found out you smoked I thought 'okay we have something in common' but then you told everyone I kissed you and that kinda change my prospective but what really freaked me out was when you threatened me and my family."

"Well I'm sorry I should have known." He tried to apologize. Just like the song by One Republic says 'its to late to apologize'.


"What do you want me to say? I apologized the least you could have said was 'oh Zayn I forgive you." He said calmly.

"Dios te odio." I muttered under my breath. (God I hate you)

"Awwww, thanks princess I love you too." He said just to annoy me. Trust me if I was driving I would have been crashed my Range Rover by now.

Before I could say anything back to Zayn my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen and saw that it was Maria. I pressed the 'accept' button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Bianca are you on your way? Your papá isn't doing too well." I could tell see was crying.

"Yeah just hold on. Todo va a estar bien. Te prometo Maria." (Everything is going to be okay. I promise Maria.) I said trying to calm her down. After a few minutes she finally stop crying and all that was heard were sniffles.

"Te amo Bianca. Te veré después." (I love you Bianca. I'll see you later.) she said before hanging up. I spent the rest of my time playing flappy bird. I was about to beat my high score when the bird hit a pipe and died.

"Estúpido pájaro. Que hizo este juego?

Debo encontrarlo y lo golpeó en la cabeza un par de veces."

(You stupid bird. Who made this game? I should find him and hit him upside the head a couple of times.)

I was stopped from my thoughts when he car came to a stop. Zayn took the key out of the ignition and turned toward me.

"Are you ready to find out what I did to your precise little papá." He said with a twisted looking grin.

I gulped before getting out of the car. Zayn closed the door and walked beside. Before we walked in the door he whispered in my ear something that made my skin crawl.

"If you tell anyone what I did I'll make sure to kill your whole family. I won't spare Alison or Ethan either and I know they wouldn't want you to be apart of their deaths now would they?"


Double update. Thanks guys I really appreciate all of the reads, votes, and comments you are leaving me.

Guys shit is about to go down so make sure you keep reading. I'll update again on tomorrow and Monday.

Twisted Souls Book 1: Zayn's StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя