Chapter 22

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Bianca went to the hospital, staying until she knew Maria was doing okay. If all goes well Maria and Antonio will be able to go home tomorrow. Bianca was glad that her brother and Maria were doing okay, but she still had her doubts. She was pretty sure that Zayn knew about her new addition to her family since he sent that message. Bianca wanted to do everything in her power to protect her family, she had too. The only thing stopping Bianca from doing this was the fact that she didn't know what to do.

Her first idea was to was to find this Perrie girl. After a few minutes if thinking how she would find her, persuade her, and get her here Bianca gave up on that idea. "This is so hard" Bianca thought. This continued for another 2 hours, Bianca thinking of a way to get rid of Zayn and then finding a flaw and shutting it down. Finally she decided it was time to call it quits and went for a shower and then to bed.


Zayn could feel the rage growing with each passing second he stayed on the phone. Ed called him to let him know he couldn't go through with the plan. He said he couldn't kill Maria, he couldn't live with that guilt. Ed also kept rambling about how he couldn't go to jail. "Oh Zayn I cant do it. I don't want that to follow me for the rest of my life. I'm sorry" he can remember the exact words clear as day. This always happened every time he asked one of the guys to do something they always made an excuse to get out of it. "The next time I want something done, or someone gone, I'll do it myself" Zayn thought angrily. In order to keep from going over to Ed's house and pay him back for going through with the plan, he decided to take a nice long shower and go to sleep.


Zayn woke up to the sound of his annoying alarm blasting "thriller" by Michael Jackson. He really didn't want to go to school he couldn't deal with the fact that Bianca still hasn't said yes and she wasn't going too. "What did I do wrong" he thinks to himself.

Zayn's never felt this down when he claimed a girl, and he wants to know why he feels this way now. He just wants these feeling to stop, mostly when he claims a girls it's just to get in their pants, but with Bianca it's different. He feels as if he could tell her anything, and she'll listen to him. After all she did have a rough past and he was sure that she would understand. Zayn slowly get off of his comfy bed and makes his way to his closet. He picks out his outfit and makes exits his room into the bathroom across the hall.

Zayn takes his time brushing his teeth and styling his hair into a perfect quiff. During his time in the bathroom Zayn couldn't help but to think of what he had done to make Bianca hate him. All the other girls usually have in by the first week and he never had to kill any of their family, except a few. He also wonders why Perrie left, he loved her, she was everything to him. She brought out the best in him, and Zayn loved that about her. Perrie made Zayn want to become a different person. With Bianca it's different, she isn't a goody two shoes like Perrie. She's been through things, she understands what hard times are like, and she would probably understand why Zayn did this. Zayn didn't know himself why he did this and he wants to know.

Zayn leaves his thoughts behind as he looks at the clock, he has 45 minutes to get to school. Zayn rushes over to his closet and looks around for a pair of shoes he can find. After Zayn has found the perfect pair, he puts them on and rushes down stairs. Zayn really doesn't have time to eat, so he grabs a couple of granola bars and an apple and makes his way out of the door. 'Another day, another day of pain' Zayn thinks as he get into his car.


Bianca has never been so happy to wake and go to school. She knows when she gets home Maria and Antonio will be home. It feels like weeks and months that Bianca has been waiting for them to come home. She's so happy that she finally get to see her family, because the last days have been crap.

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