Chapter 21

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Bianca put her phone the phone up to her ear and listened to the voice mail.

The first 10 voicemails and text weren't that bad. As she kept reading them and listening they got a little bit worst. There was one that stood out from the rest.

She could feel the goosebumps form on her arms just thinking about it. It's as if she can feel Zayn's gaze on her as she listened to it. The anger and hate in his voice really got to her. She really didn't know what Zayn has against her family but she really hoped he doesn't hurt anyone else. "Since you don't know how to answer your phone, I'll make this a day that you'll surely never forget."

She could only hope that this plan goes as just like how she wanted it. She couldn't imagine what would happen if Zayn found out about it. Actually she could, since that dream she had gave her a couple of ideas. She really hoped Zayn doesn't have anything hidden in her house because that would be bad.

She didn't think Zayn was capable of doing something like this. She know a few things that she was sure Zayn could do; and that kill people and scare the heck out of them. If Zayn wants something or someone in her case, he know how to get them. He hasn't fooled her yet and never will. She was not one of those girls who will easily give up because someone has threatened them. Sure she missed her Papa but she'll do everything in her power to keep Maria and Antonio.

She didn't know what made Zayn this way. She understood he wants someone to like or love him back but she was not that person. He could only hope after he's done with her that he will found that person. She really wish she could find this Perrie girl and have her talk some sense into him. If she find her, she can talk some sense into him and he'll leave her alone.

She was about to make her way to her computer to search for this Perrie girl when She got interrupted by her phone ringing. She reach for her phone and looked to see who called. he face morphed into one of confusion as she saw it's the hospital. Why would the hospital calling? She really hoped nothing went wrong.

She pressed the answer button and silently prayed that everything went alright. "Hello?" She said and waited for them to answer back. "Hello is this Bianca Gonzalez?" She was really confused right now. She will never forgive herself for leaving the hospital if something happened to Maria or Antonio.

"Yes it is? Is everything okay." She asked. 'They really need to tell me before me go down there and make them.' She thought. She was already on edge with what Zayn said. Maybe he found out about Maria going into labor and did something. Ever since Zayn put her papa in an hospital and he died she didn't really trust anyone in hospitals. Zayn Malik was the reason her papa died in the first place. She would like to put him or his dad in the hospital and see how he likes it.

"Your mom has mysteriously fallen ill. Everything was fine up until a hour ago. We didn't think it was anything serious. She didn't have a fever when she was in labor and we're wondering why she has one now" The lady she assumed was a nurse or her doctor explained.

"Is she going to be okay?" She asked. She needed to know this in order for me to keep her sanity. It seems that when it comes to her family the hospital always finds something wrong. Maybe her family has bad luck. Her mom was a drug addict and left her, her real father died, her other father died because of some lunatic. Now someone that she sees as a mother is in the hospital because of a lunatic.

Maria has a fever? She didn't get, she seemed fine when she visited her. She thought for a while, then it clicked. The weird voicemails that Zayn left on my phone. She finally understood. "Hi Bianca it's Zayn. I wanted to tell you that I have a surprise for you. You'll get it eventually. Don't worry I takes a little time for it to take it's affect. Trust me you'll enjoy it."

She pulled out of phone and called Zayn. She had to make sure that she was right. As she waited for him to pickup the phone, she nervously chewed her nails; which didn't last long. She waited for about 5 minutes literally for him to pick up. She really didn't care how long this took for him to answer his phone she needed to know what he meant.

"Hello? who is this." Zayn asked once he finally answer. She could tell he just woke up because his voice was deeper than usual. She really hoped he doesn't get angry when people wake him like she did. If he is then this is going to end badly. She was really questioning whether she should ask him or not. Maybe Zayn didn't mean that by surprise. She can't find out until she ask.

"Hi Zayn it's Bianca I wanted to ask you something" She have to admit She was scared shitless. She don't know how Zayn will react to me asking this question. She really hoped he's in a good mood. She can't find the words to tell him. Call her a coward all you want but she was trying not to get killed. "Um I was wondering what you meant by those voicemails?" She whispered.

"Is that you wanted? You couldn't wait until tomorrow when I'm not sleep?" he asked. He had to be kidding her, Maria is in the hospital and he thinks that She can wait until tomorrow. She wished she could reach inside this phone and choke him. "Well if you must know I meant that'll I have a surprise for you. It's at the hospital though. You'll enjoy it" he says before he hangs the phone.

She guessed she was right. Zayn some how found out about Maria and Antonio. She really didn't know he does it, but she knew that if she hurried up and got to the hospital. She get her keys off of the coffee table and make her way out of the door. She hoped that Zayn's right and that she would like her surprise.


A/N this is 1115 words. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I had finals. This week and last. I hope you enjoy this chapter. This book is almost over 3 more chapters.

Twisted Souls Book 1: Zayn's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now