Chapter 23

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Bianca wakes up and takes a look at her clock; it reads 7:39. She was quite shocked that she wasn't woken up by her brother's cries. She was happy that she didn't lose sleep, because she couldn't afford to fall asleep in class.She doesn't know what will happen today, but she hopes it ends well. She couldn't be happier that Zayn hasn't tried anything to hurt her family. She was happy that she didn't have to worry for a little bit.

She get up out her bed to get ready. She does the same as every morning. She pulls her outfit, does her hair, brushes her teeth and makes her way downstairs with breakfast. She decides to make Maria breakfast since she figured she had to wake up in the middle of the night with Antonio.

Bianca places the plate of waffles on the table and grabs a carton of orange juice from the fridge. After she eats her breakfast Bianca goes and checks in Antonio, to see that he is held strongly in Maria's arms as they both slept. She placed a note on the table by the recliner they were sleeping on saying that breakfast was on the table and that she lived them both. As usual she packed all of her stuff into her back pack and headed out the door.


Zayn walked into hallway of the school looking for one person. Bianca Gonzales.He needed to set things right with her. He didnt know how yet but he was going to get Bianca to forgivve him. In order for this to happen he had to do a lot of persuading and a lot of reasoning.

He sits down against his locker thinking of ways to persuade Bianca and also waiting for her to come. 'I could draw her a picture since she likes to draw, or i could write her a letter.' he thinks to himself. Zayn can't help but feel nervous, what if she doesn't like the drawing? He was okay at writning letters, but this was Bianca he was writing to, This letter had to better than okay, it had to brillant and well thought out, and most of all it had to show that he really was sorry.


Bianca walked into the hallway of the school to see Zayn sitting against his locker thinking really hard about something. 'He probably thinking about who he should kill next.' she said to herself making sure not one soul had heard her. Bianca didn't want to interupt so she walked right past him.She walked to her locker pulled out the things she needed as quickly as possible, hoping Zayn hadn't seen her. After putting her things in her backpack she speedwalked to class.

Once she was inside the safety of class, Bianca, made her way to her seat. She pulled out her sketchpad and decided to draw while waiting for class to start. She was quite happy to get back to her drawings, since all the drama with Zayn caused her to neglect them. Now that everyone is healthy, she can return to one of the things that made her happy.

Bianca couldn't be happier when she found out that the class had a substitute. The sub couldn't find the papers the teacher left so she just let the class do ever they wanted. Bianca took this as the chance to draw some more. Taking out her sketchbook again since she put it up when the substitute walked in.


Zayn watched as the substitute for the class searched for the papers that the class was supposed to be doing. He found it interesting watching the middle aged lady practically destroy the desk looking for them. After watching the woman look for 10 minutes she finally gave up and decided to give the class free time.Zayn watched as most of his fellow classmates pulled out their phones, and began talking. He decided that this would be the perfect time to finish his letter and drawing for Bianca. He took one quick glance at the female before starting.

He decided he would draw the picture first and then write the letter since it would take more time. He decided to draw a picture of Bianca. he decided to do this since he still had a good hour of class left. By the end of the class he had finished the picture of Bianca and realized now that he had to start the letter. He picked up his pencil writing 'Dear Bianca' before putting his pencil down again.

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