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"Ok Jensen are you sure you have everything ready for school?" Betty asked looking down at her son with a stern look on her face. "Yes mom, I have everything I need for school, so can we go now!?" Jensen asked crossing his arms over his chest. "Good, and remember be good at school and I mean it" Betty replied as she followed her she son out the front door. As they are walking down the street Betty couldn't help but noticed that her son is starting to tower over the other kids, "hurry up mom we're going to be late!" Jensen yelled causing his mom to come to reality.

"Were not going to be late sweetie, see the school is right there" Betty laughed as she grabbed a hold of her son's hand, "what do we do before we cross?" Betty asked as she looked down at her son with a warm smile. "Stop look and listen, there can we go now!" Jensen asked as he gave his mom's arm a quick tug, "alright alright" Betty laughed as she lead her son across the road. Once a crossed the road Jensen lets go of her his mothers hand "bye, mom I'll see you later" Jensen said with a smile as he took off running to into the school.

Betty's SonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon