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Just as Jensen laid down beside the small farm house his mother came running out "there's my baby!" Betty said with a smile as she have her massive son a hug. "Hey mom" Jensen replied as he gently pulls her close to him, "how are ya?" She asked as she looks up at him with a smile. "I'm good" Jensen replied causing his mother to cross her arms, "have you been eating healthy and taking good care of yourself" Betty asked as she heads over to a lawn chair. "Yes mom, I have" Jensen chuckles as he slowly sits up, "good because no matter what, you'll always be my baby boy" Betty replied taking a seat.

Just as Jensen about to ask his mom a question a female voice cuts in "hi Betty" the young woman said walking over with her young child. "Oh hi dear long time no see" Betty said with a warm smile as she heads over to the young woman "can you give this Jensen?" The woman asked causing Betty to lightly laugh "why don't you give it to himself, he's right over there" Betty said pointing to the massive man's who stretching. When the young woman looked over a small smile came onto her face "he sure gotten big" the young woman said with a smile, "yes he has, and I can tell you right now, he'll be happy to see you" Betty replied with a smile.

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