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20 years later

As Jensen walking to his mom's house he felt his phone ringing so he quickly reached into his pocket and pulled his phone "umm hello?" Jensen asked as he holds his phone up to his ear. "Hey honey it's me, I'm just wondering if your on your way over" Betty asked causing her son to chuckle, "yes mom, I should be there in a few minutes or longer because there's a lot of humans out today" Jensen replied as he watchers where he walks. "Ok, honey I'll talk to ya when you get here" Betty said with a smile on her face, "ok mom I'll talk to you later" Jensen replied hanging up his phone and shoves it back into her pocket. 

Just as Jensen about to make a left turn he heard screaming come below followed by a voice "hey! Giant stop that thief!" a woman's voice yelled causing Jensen to see the thief running past him. But before the thief could get away Jensen bends down and scoops the man up "you better give that back to her" Jensen said as he lifts the man up to his massive face. "Please don't eat me!" The man yelled causing Jensen to look at him discuss "dude, that's just wrong" Jensen said shaking his head causing the man to sigh in relief. "Good now let me go!" the man yelled causing Jensen to roll his eyes, "no can do, shrimp" Jensen grinned as he pulled the purse out of the man's hand and gently handed him over to the police.

As the police are loading the guy up in the car he gently hands the purse over to the young lady "thanks big guy" the lady said looking up at him with a smile, "hey no problem mam" Jensen replied giving the girl a wink.

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