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Once everyone finished eating Emily quickly grabbed a hold of Jensen's massive finger "mister giant, can you push me on the swing?" Emily asked as she looked up at him with a smile. When Jensen saw the look on the little girls face he couldn't help but smile "sure" Jensen replied causing the young child to jump up and down with excitement, "yay! Lets go!" Emily replied as she took off running over to the swings. Once she's on the swing Jensen gently lays down behind her "ready honey?" Jensen asked with a warm smile. "I'm ready!" Emily replied kicking her legs causing the massive man to chuckle, "ok, hold on" Jensen replied softly as he gently blows on the swing causing it to move.

As the swing started to move Emily couldn't help but yell with excitement "mommy look at me!" Emily yelled causing her mother to look over at her with a smile. "I see ya!" Carmella called out as she watches her child with a smile, "he's really good with her" Carmella said looking over at Betty with a smile. When Betty heard that she couldn't help but nod in agreement "yeah he is, isn't he" Betty replied as she watches her son with a smile. After what seemed like for ever Emily looks up at the massive man "I'm done now" she said looking at him with a smile, "ok sweetie" Jensen replied softly as he stops the swing with his massive hand.

Once the swing stoped moving Emily hops off the swing and quickly runs over to her mother "mommy I'm tired" Emily said as she lets out a long yawn. "Ok sweetie, say goodbye to Jensen" Carmella said with a smile as she picks up her little girl, "bye mister giant" Emily said waving goodbye. "Bye sweetie, I hope to see you again Carmella" Jensen replied waving goodbye to the little child, "what about Friday?" Carmella asked with a smile. When Jensen heard that he couldn't help but smile "I'll see you Friday" Jensen replied with a smile as he watches Carmella and Emily walking to their car.

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