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Next Day

As Jensen and his mom are walking up to school Jensen noticed a girl that he never met before "mommy I wanna go say hi" Jensen said pointing to the girl who's heading inside the school. When Betty saw where her son is pointing a small smile came onto her lips "ok sweetie, I'll see you after school" Betty replied as she gave her son a quick kiss on the top of his head. "Bye mom I love you" Jensen said as he took off running towards the school, and once inside Jensen slowly walked over to the new girl "umm, hi my name is Jensen" Jensen said causing the girl to look back with a smile.

"Hi Jensen, my my name is Carmella" Carmella replied with a warm smile, "hey umm Jensen do you want to hang out at recess?" Carmella asked causing Jensen to smile. "Yeah I love to" Jensen replied causing the new girl to giggle, "come on lets go to class" Carmella said grabbing a hold of Jensen hand as they headed down the hallway. "How do you know my class is down here?" Jensen asked looking over at Carmella with confusion, "were are in the same class, and beside my brother told me where it is" Carmella replied looking up at Jensen with a smile.

"Who's your brother?" Jensen asked tilting his head to the side, "my brother's name is Raz" Carmella replied. When Jensen heard that his mouth dropped open "the school bully is your brother!" Jensen said causing Carmella to look away in shame, "yeah he is, but can we still be friends?" Carmella asked with hope in her voice. "Of course we still can be friends" Jensen replied causing Carmella to smile "your the best" Carmella replied.

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