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When Jensen saw the little girl hiding behind her mom he couldn't help but smile "hi sweetie, what's your name?" Jensen asked in a soft voice, "my name is Emily sir" Emily replied as she slowly poke her head out. "That's a very cute name you have" Jensen replied as he gently laid back down on the ground, "thank you" Emily said in a shy voice causing her mother to laugh. "Honey why don't you go talk to Jensen while I go help Betty to get supper ready?" Carmella said as she slowly walks away from her child. When Emily saw her mother walking away she stared to panic "hey it's ok little one I won't hurt you" Jensen said in a gentle tone.

"Do you pinkie promise?" Emily asked as she walks towards the massive man with her pinkie sticking out, "I promise sweetie" Jensen replied as he used his massive pinkie to touch her little one. When Emily saw the massive man pinkie promising her she couldn't help but giggle "so my daddy is wrong he told me giants are mean,but your a nice one" Emily said with a smile as she gave Jensen's hand a tight hug. "Yes I am little one" Jensen replied looking down at the small child with a warm smile on his face.

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