The Blue Room

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Frerard, Smut, 2.6k
(This one came from Dreamwidth)
By: ladyfoxxx

"I don't think this is a good idea." The voice is barely a whisper.

"Shhh. Don't be a pussy." The other voice is a little louder but still in hushed tones.

Rustling of fabric. Scrape of cloth against cloth. Wet sucking noise. Okay that's kissing. Whoever the whisperers are they are kissing now and Pete is definitely awake.

The rough corded upholstery of the couch is pressing in the side of his face. He can feel Mikey warm at his back, snoring softly into the cushions. He peels his eyes open slowly, not seeing much but blotches and fuzz at first. He wills his eyes to adjust, scanning the darkened room for the source of the kissing. There's more cloth rustling and he can hear the sharp pull of nasal breathing. The wet sounds are more enthusiastic. There is definitely tongue involved now.

Something warm uncurls in Pete's stomach, but he ignores it. He's being nosy and a gossip, but not a perve. He just wants to know who's making out in the middle of the lounge room. Once he's satisfied his curiosity he'll go back to sleep.

His eyes are starting to adjust. The only light in the room is coming from the TV, which is displaying a menu screen for whatever the last movie they watched was. Something with blood and screaming, but it wasn't enough to keep them all awake. If he listens carefully he can hear the menu music looping.

He takes a survey of the room. Ray's asleep on the other couch, his hair easy to pick even in the dim light. Those are Bob's feet he can see sticking out from behind Ray's couch. Mikey's behind him sharing this couch. That leaves...

He can see them.

Frank and Gerard. His brain finally makes sense of the shapes and shadows on the living room floor just across from him, putting the pieces together to form a picture. Frank's on top of Gerard, their mouths locked. Gerard's hands are trapped in Frank's hair. If Pete squints he can see the crease of Gerard's closed eyes. One of Frank's hands is up under Gerard's shirt, moving slowly. Their hips are pressed firmly together, Gerard's legs apart, Frank between them.

Well shit, Pete thinks. I guess they like making out offstage too.

So now he knows the source of the noise he can go back to sleep, right? Except he isn't. His eyes wont close. They're locked to the picture in front of him. A picture that, he has to admit, is pretty fucking sexy.

Frank's broken the kiss now, tonguing his way down the curve of Gerard's neck. Gerard's got his head thrown back, face pure ecstacy as Frank starts sucking at the hollow of his neck.

"Frank..." Gerard's voice is frail, still a whisper. "We should stop." He doesn't sound like he wants to stop, in Pete's opinion (not that his opinion counts for anything in this case since he really should just stop fucking looking right about now.) "Someone will see." Gerard gasps out, a little hitch in his breath that makes Pete look lower, seeing that Frank's got a hand somewhere in the vicinity of Gerard's crotch and by the sound of it, he's doing something Gerard really really likes.

Frank crawls up Gerard's body again, leaving his hand where it is, getting it trapped between them.

"No one's gonna see." He assures Gerard in low whisper, kissing him again, "They're all asleep."

Gerard glances around at this and Pete has to fight the urge curl up and hide, staying completely still instead. Unnoticeable. The light of the TV isn't enough to illuminate him and he's thankful when Gerard's gaze skips quickly past him, to Ray, to Bob and back to Frank. Frank's grinning like he knows a secret. Pete can see his arm moving between them. Gerard's head falls back little, mouth slackening. His fingers spasm in Frank's hair, he's fighting to keep his head up.

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