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(Sequel to Blue Room)
Petekey, Smut, 3.5k
By: Ladyfoxxx

Pete keeps looking at Gerard.

It's not obvious to anyone but Mikey. Pete doesn't do it openly. Mikey only notices because after weeks of The Sweet Little Dudes being joined at the hip he's got all Pete's patterns down, and this new behaviour doesn't fit.

It's like Pete is Mikey's bass and it's just slightly out of tune. Mikey's caressing the strings, turning the tension knobs, looking for that out of key string. But Pete's not coming back in tune. 

Mikey's not jealous. Pete only ever looks at Gerard, which is in all ways harmless. It's not like he stops looking at Mikey, his attention is just a little bit divided. Particularly when Frank is within Gerard's range, onstage or offstage. 

No Mikey's not jealous, just curious. He wants to know what caused the change. Like he knows why Pete started wearing a lot of white denim, or why he started drinking low carb beer. All the little details catalogued away in his brain. 

In the end, Mikey doesn't even have to ask. Pete brings it up first.

They're curled up on Pete's bunk, sharing a set of earbuds and passing a bottle of pilsner back and forth when Pete asks out of the blue.

"What's with your brother and Frank? Are they, like, a thing?"

Mikey rolls onto his side, propping his head on his hand. His glasses slip further down his nose and he doesn't bother to push them back up.

"Sometimes." He says truthfully. He doesn't know precisely. It's not like he and Gerard talk about it, but he knows his brother well enough, has seen enough little clues to know it's not just limited to what happens onstage.

"I figured." Pete breathes. He's looking up at the slats over their heads, the side of his mouth twitching up like he's fighting a smile. Mikey reaches over and places two fingers gently on the side of Pete's quirking mouth. Pete looks up at him.

Mikey wants to ask how Pete figured. He doesn't, just waits. Pete will say it anyway.

"I saw them once."

Mikey doesn't say anything. He's not sure what to say. He wants to know what Pete means by "saw", but at the same time he doesn't really want to know.

Pete sits up a little, rolling to his side to see Mikey's face better. There's excitement in the way he moves, like he's been bottling this information up and he's finally got someone to talk to. 

Mikey's not sure if he wants to be that someone.

"Remember our last hotel night?" Pete doesn't even wait for Mikey to answer, it's all bubbling out now. "They went at it, right in the middle of the living room."

Pete's eyes are sparkling dangerously. It's on the tip of Mikey's tongue to just say shut up. He's pretty sure he doesn't want to hear any more.

But Pete's not stopping and the words don't make it out of Mikey's mouth. 

"It was insane. I mean, I didn't mean to look at first, I just wanted to see who it was but, jesus, Mikey it was so hot."

"Pete." Pete looks up at Mikey's voice, he's got one hand hovering in front of Pete's face like some kind of vague traffic cop. "Stop."

Mikey's heard enough. It's not so much that it's Gerard that Pete's talking about that's making Mikey's insides swirl, it's just hearing Pete get sohot, so excited about someone who's not Mikey. He's not a fool. This thing they have, whatever it is, they never said it was exclusive, they've never even talked about what it is but... that doesn't mean Mikey wants it rubbed in his face.

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