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Frerard, smut, 8024 words
By: nsfwfrerardx

Frank has a predicament.

"Ray, I have a predicament," Frank announces the second a tall poofy haired man opens the door.

"What's new," Ray sighs making the smaller man roll his eyes, "come in, young one." Then Frank has to roll his eyes even harder as the other walks towards the living room, leaving the door open.

"Fuck you 'Young One' you're literally only five months older than me," Frank shuts the door, and he swears if he could go back in time and have Ray's parents fuck 6 months later instead of the night they made Ray, he would.

"Ah, yes, but I am currently an adult and therefor your superior," he pats the side of couch next to him as he plops down on what probably is beer-soaked fabric. Ray really enjoys being 18 while Frank is 17, he fucking milks it to hell and goes to all the 18+ clubs just to shove it in the other's face. Ray doesn't even like clubs. What the fuck.

Regardless, Frank sits down and is met with a concerned look from the other. "What is the predicament you speak of?" Ray takes a swig of whatever it is that’s on the side table, looks a little too homey in that spot though and Frank cringes as he swallows the probably week-old substance.

"Other than your hygiene habits," Frank gets flipped off then, "I just need to ask you some questions about you and Mikey, if that's okay." Mikey is Ray's best friend, also the brother of the reason why Frank is even here right now.

"Why?" Ray takes another swig and then throws the empty can across the room.

"I- just please answer them and I'll explain why afterwards, okay?" Frank doesn't want to accidentally influence Ray's response by telling him what this is all about before the questions. Ray doesn't seem to mind though, because he just shrugs.

"Go ahead," Ray accepts and Frank starts to go through his mental list of questions.

"So, do you and Mikey have a lot of sleepovers?" Frank starts with something simple, something that he thinks is innocent with every friendship.

Ray chuckles, "sleepovers? what the fuck man we aren't in middle school. We hang out till we pass out."

Frank's not too sure how he's going to get through this.

"Okay then, so," Frank takes a deep breath, "how often do you guys..." He really does not want to say it, "hang out till you pass out?" Ray grins at the obvious cringe moving across Frank's face.

"About once or twice a week, only on weekends though. Either Friday or Saturday." Ray responds and well, Frank can't relate to that, not at all.

"Really? Only that much?" Frank's a bit shocked, but for all he knows that’s totally normal.

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