It's Tough to Take A Man's Shovel When He Wants To Dig

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Frerard, smut, 3756 words
By: autoschediastic

The bass pounds up from the basement through the asphalt straight into Frank's bones. He fucking loves this shit. The noise, the stench, the booze and the chaos, he can feel it swirling through his blood and clawing at his bones. Digging in like Gerard's fingers into his hips as he presses close, like the way Gerard's squirming against him.

"Fuck," Gerard says, and, "Frankie," all slurred together. He's beyond-redemption wasted. Even if Frank hadn't seem him pounding back beers, the pills he washed down with them are sharp and bitter on his tongue. But Gerard's a good guy, a really fucking stand-up guy, and it's not like the same shit he's got fucking him up isn't fucking Frank up seven ways to Sunday too.

"Thought you were gonna take a leak," Frank says, getting his hands in Gerard's hair to shove his mouth against Frank's neck, right where Frank's got a sweet spot that needs some attention. Gerard gets right on it, hot, sloppy kisses and nipping teeth, not afraid to yank Frank's sweaty shirt out of the way to get at more skin. It's probably fucking freezing out here but hell if Frank cares. Gerard runs hot, stupidly fucking hot, and shoved up against the side of their van at quarter to two in the morning, he's exactly where Frank wants him to be.

"Gotta," Gerard says, shoving his hands down the back of Frank's saggy jeans to squeeze his ass. That's maybe more bold than Frank would've thought, if he'd stopped to think about this sort of thing. But he hadn't. He'd swiped Gerard's lighter off the table where he'd left it, shouted at the guys that he was gonna see a man about a dog, made a pit stop at the bar and then followed Gerard out into the night. Fuck if he knows where his beer got to. Gerard probably drank it between trying to suck Frank's face off.

Frank says, "Me too", and when Gerard groans, he chalks it up to how much Gerard likes Frank's dick hard against his hip. If Frank concentrates, he's pretty sure he remembers Gerard saying something like that about five minutes ago. That he liked dick, he liked Frankie's dick, he kinda wants to get all up on it, hope that doesn't make shit weird.

"It's cool, Gee," Frank says, shifting so he can really rub up against Gerard, get a bit of rhythm going with Gerard's nails scratching his ass trying to haul him closer. "I like yours too. I bet I'm gonna love yours."

"Love my what," Gerard asks, planting a sloppy kiss to the hinge of Frank's jaw before angling in for his mouth. "Oh, yeah-- yeah! Your dick, yeah."

"Your dick." Untangling his hand from Gerard's sweaty hair, Frank shoves it between them, groping along Gerard's stomach to his groin. He gets a little distracted along the way, not even sure what the fuck it is about the softness of Gerard's belly over tight, trembling muscles that gets him going so hard, but willing enough to work with it. Maybe it's because they live in a motherfucking van and Frank's seen way too much of everybody, except Gerard. For a dude who wears jeans so tight Frank knows exactly how much bigger one of his nuts is than the other one, there's almost zero bare skin in the equation. It's like a national fucking drought on Gerard-skin. And he fucking wants some.

"Pretty fucking weird," Gerard's saying, and Frank stops, wondering what the fuck he missed. "You, like, you play it really fucking close to the chest, Frankie," he goes on, his pupils dark and blown in the light from the street, his cheeks flushed, shiny. "I couldn't tell."

"You didn't fucking ask," Frank says, thinking he's caught up. "You never fucking said you wanted to fucking blow me in an alley!"

"Not an alley," Gerard mumbles, his face tucked against Frank's neck, his breaths hot-cool-hot. "In the van. While you were--" he pauses, bites, and makes a drunk, delighted noise when Frank jerks against him "--while you were sleeping. So I could feel you get hard. And feel your dick when it's soft, 'cause I've seen it before, Frankie, and I like it, I wanted to touch it. I wanna touch it, lemme touch it?"

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