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Frerard, Smut, 4,162 words
By: ladyfoxxx

"Dude, you are not jerking off to Billie Joe again, are you?"

Frank doesn't even bother getting up from where he's stretched out on his unmade bed, just raises a fist in the air, slowly extending his middle finger, knees still bouncing along to "One For The Razorbacks". Gerard rolls his eyes at him from where he's draped in the doorway, in awkward fitting skinny jeans and a stretched-out t-shirt. He strolls across Frank's bedroom to drop down on the mattress beside him with a soft whump. 

"Where's Mikey?" Frank asks, feeling like his tongue's too big for his mouth. He's only had a few puffs but it's hitting him hard for some reason. He's feeling happily fuzzy. 

"He got a text from Pete and, like, disappeared." Gerard emphasises the last word with a magical hand motion, flopping back beside Frank in a way that makes the bed bounce. Frank's dreads bang on his forehead in a pleasant way.

"Soccer guy?" Frank asks, his voice coming out reedy and thin. 

"Hmm." It's barely a noise, but there's assent in it.

Frank rolls his head sideways to find Gerard's face. It's weird when it's just him and Gerard. When Mikey's around it feel less intense. Less like Frank's just hanging around and crushing on his friend's older brother. Not that Gerard acts like he's four years older and graduated, oh no. He's worse at pretending to be normal than Frank is. He really doesn't even try.

And not that Frank's crushing on him. Not really. 

"You gonna share?" Gerard asks, waving a hand vaguely at the spliff clamped in Frank's fingers. Frank zones out, staring at Gerard's hands. Gerard has really delicate hands. Artist's hands. There's even a smear of charcoal on the back of one of them, as if to prove it. 

A sharp nudge from Gerard's shoulder shakes Frank out of his stupor and he passes the doobie over obediently. It's so fucking nice to be able to smoke with the door open. His mom's gone for the whole weekend, he doesn't have to do shit, except maybe a frantic cleanup on Sunday afternoon. He's got a bag of bud and a CD tray full of Green Day because you gotta listen to the green when you're smoking the green. Life is pretty fucking awesome.

He's watching Gerard's lips form a pretty pink "O" shape as he exhales when "Welcome To Paradise" kicks in. 

"Fuck yeah," he breathes, bouncing along with the music harder, loving the patter of his dreads on his forehead and the way Gerard's hair flops around in time. "Fucking love this song." 

Gerard passes the spliff back, licking his lips and tilting his head back. Frank's eyes skitter down over Gerard's chin, the curve of his neck. 

"You are so gay for Billie Joe," Gerard groans out at the ceiling.

"I so am." No point denying it. Frank waves his arm above him, dropping tiny ash snowflakes on the two of them with his enthusiasm. "You can't seriously say that if Billie Joe was offering, that you wouldn't be all up in his shit like that-" Frank finishes with a snap of his fingers, nearly dropping the joint. 

"Yeah, I dunno." Gerard's not won over. Obviously his taste in men is somewhat lacking. 

"I would so hit that," Frank decrees, shoving the spliff between his lips and breathing in, sucking out the last hit and savouring the itchy burn at the back of his throat. "Who would you go gay for?" he asks on his outward breath, the words carrying sweet smoke upwards.

Frank rolls his head to the side to gauge Gerard's reaction. He definitely wouldn't ask this question if he wasn't in a happily buzzed state. He's so loose right now. 

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