Bad Idea?

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Rikey, Smut, 1,025 words
By: ladyrocketdale

Mikey had very good reasons to know that this was a bad idea.

The show had been fantastic; the kids screamed as usual, and Gerard had been scary and funny. They had all given the best of themselves and now were tired, worn out and maybe ecstatic; so that was reason number one, for sure. And the fact that his brother was in the next room, laughing way too loud with Frank and Brian really didn’t help.

And, honestly, he can still enumerate a few more things to prove to himself that this was a bad idea, but he was a bit –okay, a lot- distracted by the thing itself to start bitching about it that much.

The thing, you ask?

Well he, Mikey Way, was pinned to the bed in the middle of the room by one of his best friends and band mates, Ray Toro. They had ended up like that after a very mature tickling fight that moments ago filled the room with very masculine giggles (Mikey’s) and loud laughs (Ray’s). 

The whole thing had started when Ray said that Mikey’s hipbones were so skinny that they looked very girly –that was the term he used, in fact, girly

“So I win?”
“You totally don’t.” Mikey denied.
“Mikey, you have girly hipbones; face it, its cute. A bit scene for our band, but cute.” Ray smiled, “And if we add the fact that I have you like this… well, you’re a total girl.”
“Shut up, Toro.” Mikey hissed.
“Not helping yourself at all,” Ray said, shaking his head in a negative motion, making his afro look amusing.
“I’m not a fucking girl, and I absolutely do not have girly hipbones.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“No, I don’t.”

Ray smiled again, “Prove it.”

Mikey looked at him, remembering in less than a second why this was a bad idea. Leaving those thoughts in the back of his mind, he smiled and shoved his hips up, directly into Ray’s; who of course gasped at the sudden contact. Said response made Mikey repeat his action, waiting for something else from Ray.

“So, a girl would feel like that?” Mikey asked, his voice lower than before, even though he didn’t change it deliberately. 

Not getting any complaints or signals from Ray that he should stop, Mikey thrust his hips against the older man’s again. “Really, Ray,” he added, asking for an answer.

Mikey,” the other breathed out, as if it was a difficult word to say.

The bassist smiled, suddenly a bit shy, his eyes shinning from behind the thick white and black rimmed glasses he wore. But when Ray didn’t say anything else or move from his position above Mikey, the younger boy repeated the same action once more, this time leaning a bit more into the connection of their lower bodies, in a way that he could feel the hardening in Ray’s pants matching his own.

“Mikey,” Ray tried again.

“You’re not a girl?” the other offered, killing –or trying to kill- the small awkwardness formed between silence and actions. “I knew that already, Ray, glad to know you have figured it out, too.”

“I never said that,” Ray teased, and if the awkwardness wasn’t dead already, Mikey didn’t really care at all. Honestly, he didn’t care about the world; really, his brother could come in right now and –okay, no, Gerard most definitely couldn’t come in, not right now.

“Really?” Mikey asked, putting Gerard to the back of his mind –in the other room, where he in fact was-, his tone low as he lifted his hips once more and started to rub against Ray’s. It wasn’t just a touch this time; it was fucking friction, the one he was generating between himself and the guitarist. 

“Are you sure about it?” Mikey added.

To make the friction into something more permanent –Mikey discovered that he really liked it, and Ray wasn’t objecting- the bassist lifted his legs, one at time, enclosing Ray’s waist with them.

Ray’s grip on Mikey’s hand tensed a bit, but he smiled, recovering from the initial shock enough to answer, “Pretty much.”

They thrust against each other until their breathing became erratic.

“Fuck,” Mikey muttered.

“Not yet,” Ray smirked at him, their eyes connecting and their thrusting growing faster, finding a comfortable and satisfactory –even with the clothes between them- place for their erections.

For a few moments, the only noise in the room was their mixed heavy breathing and some muffled moans –half moans and barely audible honestly- because a real moan, loud and long, would make this too real. And they didn’t even know what this was –besides, Mikey thought,something hot maybe. 

“Kiss me, now.” The younger one demanded. Ray complied, pushing their mouths together in a mix of desperation and lust. 

With the kiss, Ray leaned into Mikey and the friction that had involved only their legs and middle now involved their full bodies. Which Mikey found so fascinating, and which earned Ray a full moan –to the hell with worry, Mikey thought. Their hands weren’t together anymore, and now those roamed the each other’s bodies with urgency and need for more- more skin, more touch, just more.

Rocking against each other made Mikey feel like they were a pair of horny teenagers, rushing things so no one would catch them. 

After a few more moments, Mikey felt the familiar tightening of his muscles that indicated one thing only, “I’m…” Ray didn’t let him finish the sentence, bringing his lips over Mikey’s. 

With a few more thrusts, Mikey came in his pants, feeling a bit embarrassed about it –and about the fact that he had just moaned Ray’s name quite desperately and pathetically. Until he felt Ray tremble a bit over him, and mutter his name as a faint whisper, and he knew that he wasn’t the only one with dirty pants as if he was sixteen or so.

“Well, Mikey,” Ray said a bit breathless, “You may not be a total girl after all.” 

To which Mikey laughed softly and kissed him lazily. Yeah, this was a bad idea, but surely his best bad idea.

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