its shining

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( chapter four )

" Nana ! seems like you meet a new friend " he said .

she then chuckles " yea , they got themself in trouble and now we're fine " she said .

" ahh hahaha , okay I've finish my training . um let's go now ? " he said smiling at her happily . ugh in totally feel poor to her girlfriend . if she found out that he is so near with nana . I don't know what would happen .

" okay guys we need to go ! bye ! ah and ! " she said but then grabbed my hand and wrote something . and then they went off .

when I looked at my hand I was blushed when it turns out to be her number . and she also wrote ' I'll wait for my gucci ' . I chuckles and smiled every time looking at it .

I think I fell in love with her . I think I am .


" what did you talk about with them?" jaehyun asked me .

" ah , we talk about stupid things nothing much . they treat me pizza by the way " I said while drinking my water .

after that he sent me home . after I arrived home I saw rosy is flopped at the sofa watching the korean drama ' weightlifting fairy kim bok joo ' .

" hey " I exclaimed to her while putting my bad away . " oh hey " she replied .

I then went to the bathroom to change . after I took a shower and wear my night cloths I went out.

but then I was shocked when I heard rosy screaming ' nooooo ' I then hurrily went there .

" yah what's wrong ? " I said instantly when I saw her . " ugh ? ah its just I felt like the drama is just so short . its so fast ugh " she said . I then rolled my eyes and chuckles .

" nana , you know I think this drama really represent you with jaehyun . ughh so sweettt " she exclaimed .

I almost chocked my salvia oh gosh.
" whatt ??!!!1!! " I said .

" yes it issss " she said . " but why " I said with no expression cause she is such a dummy to say that . how come we -

" because ,.,, firstly you guys were friends since small but then you moved but in this drama the boy who's the one moved then they met back at university just like you meet him righttt then in this drama they boy brake up with her girlfriend because her girlfriend want to and I really do think jaehyun girlfriend is not longer with him cause why is he always with you instead his girlfriend and both of them are so sweet just like you gu- " she said but then I put my index finger at her lips .

" okay . stop it I heard enough . oh my god why do you think of that . that so- ugh firstly we didn't met at school we met at a store andddd don't say that jaehyun and his girlfriend already brake up or something cause they are still together I think " i said then sighed .

" uh , I'm sorry its just . never mind " she said . I then went into my bedroom and flopped on my fluffy bed while looking at the back of my phone . which there's a taeyong picture with me when we're young . he is chubby !! its so cute ! I just love the way he usually buys me ice cream when we're young . he is my first friend that i made when I started schooling . but then I met jaehyun as after I saw him getting bullied . back then he was a new kid , new kids didn't deserve getting bullied or her/his life would be miserable . so I help , with all the force I have in kick their asses and yeah we ended up begin good friends . I always wonder how would taeyong look now . jaehyun is so handsome now he have a girlfriend too . taeyong must been so handsome now and he must have a girlfriend too or not . haha no one know even I haven't have a boyfriend maybe im just not pretty enough .

( a/n ; no nana no you're too enough to be claim as pretty . perfection to be more accurate ) ( song nana have 8 words and so do ' ARRRRRRT' )

I then open my phone which is off all day long and I didn't even notice it . maybe that's why nobody calls me or message me today .

" you have 3 missed calls and 2 messages " I read back as what it appeared . I sigh . day by day i am getting more popular oh gosh im so glad -

' 2 from mom , 1 from rosy '
' 1 from unknown number , 1 from tmobile '

I then cursed . as I realized that my mom called , when my mom call I need to answer it or ill get in trouble but never mind tho agagaggagag.

" ugh why u T mobile spamming me I h8 u " i mutters but then i unrealized that someone actually massage me . I drive in sleep as after I closed my phone .


" eik , is this really her number . why isn't she replying " taeyong mutters .

' or .. ten gave me another number . aish that boy he's too - ' i thought but then I checked the contact and there's stated her whatsaap , snap chat , instagram , and twitter .

I smile insanely when I saw that .

" kekkeekeke " I laughed evily .

" stalkinggg timeeee " I added .

to be continued .

l a m e rite . ugh sorry but keep streaming baby don't like it by nct its lit a.f .

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