I love you pt3

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(chapter twenty three)

" Taeyong, It's been a whole week .. You rarely came to school and you never even visited nana .. What happen actually to you guys " Rosy asked as ten was beside her trying to finish his assignment.

" I rarely came because my family had some problems so i had to work .. and i think i'm the one who supposed to ask that question. You didn't even visited her too! You're her best friend.. " I replied.

" They fought " Ten exclaimed.

" Wait , you guys fought?? but how?? You guys never really fought before.." I muttered.

" It's hard to explain because both of us act so childish that time , Nana was at a wrost condition that time.. She was too emotional and i decided to be so mad too so that's why . I didn't know whether if i should meet her because i'm really not good with apologies " She said .

" But you apologised to me before ?? Why cant you apologise to nana though?" Ten asked .

" It's because nana encouraged me to , And ten . Can you stop interrupting us ? Just finish you damn assignment already!" She said then ended up by scolding him .

I chuckled looking at them , I missed nana . If only you know how hard is it for me to not be there for you .

" Taeyong!" But then someone called my name that made me looked at the person .

" Oh jaehyun.. what is it?" I asked as he was panting aince he ran to me .

" I wanted to ask about nana , did she discharge yesterday ? Because why did i came to her room and she wasn't there" He asked .

" Jaehyun honey , why didn't you decide to ask the nurse in charge instead? It's not like taeyong knew " Rosy replies. If only i could tape her noisy mouth .

" You didn't knew ? Didn't she told you ?? And rosy , You didn't knew either??" He asked . aHa rosy is shaking

" No we didn't knew .. She never told us" I replied calmly tried to not be panicked.

" Hmm , it's weird. Because i tried calling her but it's like she deleted her number or something.." He said.

My heart beat went fast , Is it true ?

" But if she has discharge, she would probably cane today but why didn't she came..." Ten said . " Plus she need to send these assignments too .. Didn't she wants more marks though " He added .

" Rosy , why didn't you know about her? You're living under the same rooftop ..." Jaehyun asked . Why is he so damn curious .

" Umm i maybe stayed at her house but she never came back ! What i know is , Her parents will go back to america today since they're starting back with their work .. But i didn't know where did nana went " She explains.

" And why are you so worried though? It's not like she's your girlfriend " She added and then looked at me .

" She might not be mine but she is still my best friend and i am worried because i havent seen her since the first day she got into the hospital so i had to meet her to know if she's really fine now .." He said .

I felt triggered, He looked more worried about nana than i am . Am i a bad boyfriend? He made me felt more worried now...

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