XII. Unexpected Betrayal

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Ooookayyy, so just a head's up. If anyone doesn't want to me to taint their opinion about one of their beloved characters from the show (ahem)... please REFRAIN from reading further. This is one of those situations that could happen IRL. I just so happen to put Emma smack-dab in the middle of it. :P ALSO, I have thought about this storyline thoroughly before writing it. Believe me, I even wrote pros and cons. Obviously, pros outweighed the cons... XDD

Sooo yeah... And again, I do apologize in advance for the shock or disappoint (hopefully just) some of you might experience in reading this chapter... Although, trust me it'll be worth it though!! Thanks for reading! <3

[Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from ABC's hit show, ONCE UPON A TIME.]

"Regina, honey. There you are!"

A man's voice, somehow familiar to Emma, in his thirties or forties called out from around the corner that met the end of the cereal aisle. Honey? Emma's forehead crinkled at the perplexing thought. Regina's attention averted from Emma and to the direction of the man who had called to her focus. A few seconds later and he's in clear view. Emma gasped at the disturbing sight before her.

"Dad??" Emma shrieked staring slack-jawed at the unmistakable, sporting a five o'clock shadow, medium blonde haired man named David Nolan.

The man before her had his mouth gaped open. "E-Emma..." he finally blurted out. He fumbled at the words, unable to recover from sudden shock. "W-what are you d-doing here?" He added. He wiped something off his mouth as if something was there that was preventing him from making any sense.

The three known strangers stood statuette in silence, staring at each other, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Dad... It's true. Emma did say that word. Regina has been holding her breath that had caught up in the back of her throat and when her body remembered to breathe out, she slightly gasped and released a lengthy, steady stream of air. Not as bad as if she were to hold her breath underwater, though. David couldn't find any more word's to say. He patiently waited for his daughter to say something, but she too couldn't find the will to answer. Heat surfaced on Emma's skin. It was not like the wonderful sensation she felt moments ago. No, this heat that built up inside of her was much different. Any second and Emma would've boiled over.

"Emma's... your daughter?" Regina finally uttered, breaking the awkward silence within the small group. If it had gone on longer, they would have probably heard crickets chirping.

David gave Regina a sideways glance. It was apparent that he'd been feeling embarrassed from that piece of information. "Y-yes, Regina. Emma's my daughter." He looked down on the floor for a moment before turning his focus onto Emma who had both her hands in fists down at her sides.

The look of pain and frustration along with resentment and shock was ubiquitously painted on Emma's face. She didn't know what to think nor to be more appalled at, finding out about her father and Regina or finding out about Regina with her father. Either choice was total SHIT. All of the unbearably mixed emotions Emma felt had lit a fire inside of her, boiling over and finally erupting like a volcano spewing molten lava. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but how dare you!" Emma screamed out in frustration. She didn't mind the meddlesome eyes that have now been snooping at them since the commotion she had started. "I can't believe you would do something like this...and Honey? I thought you only called US that!" A picture of her mother and younger brother flashed in her mind. "I guess I was wrong!" Emma's eyes welled up with tears and clouded her vision. "You know what hurts, Dad??..." Emma's voice cracked. "I-I defended you... I, I defended you from all the rumors. I defended you... even from Mom...but you clearly lied!" Emma's cheeks burned as the overflowing salty tears rolled off her eyes, scraping her delicate skin on the way down. "Mom was right. She was right to give you up... How could I have been so stupid??"

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