Bella's story

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Bella is a 15 year old girl who lives in Northern Ireland, Lisburn.
Bella has long,brown hair that is curly but Bella straightens it.
Bella is one of the shortest girls in 'Alice Cremè's High School'
Bella's best friend is Lily.

Bella's background

Bella Smith was born in the Royal Hospital. With her caring parents Bree and John on 1st August.When Bella was 7 her parents always fought and her dad took it out on her mother in front of Bella, soon after Bella was told she had depression.When she was 8 she started to cut. Bella came into High School late because she was only 13 when she came because she moved. Bella met Lily on her first day and instantly became best friends.Bella and Lily are move like sisters they tell each other everything!Bella once told Lily that she had a crush on Joshua Matters like the cutest guy in school!Bella has a hidden talent of drawing she is an amazing artist but no one notices or cares about it.

This is Bella Smith.

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