Two truths one lie.

10 1 0


After the X-Ray they put me in a bed and said

"You're staying here for the week!"

The nurse announced.

"All work from your school will be sent here for the next six weeks of you staying here!"

Lily stopped and stared and thought to herself. Why have I done this to myself? Why can't I be normal?

"But I thought I was staying here for the week!"

The nurse paused and looked up at her.

"A week for depression pills and six weeks for your legs!"

Lily was shocked, she couldn't even tell Bella. Bella would have to come to her.


I heard a lot of crying next door. I wandering if it was Lily so I went and checked but it seemed to be a young man dressed in black sobbing over his Mum's dead body.

He turned round and saw me and we made eye contact for a whole 4 seconds.





My dad was crying over my mums body.

I couldn't hold back the waterfall of tears although she abused me she was my mother.

My dad looked back and yelled

"She did this someone get the police!"

The nurse came running in as I seen my dads hand covered in blood at that moment I knew it was all a set up for me to go to jail.

The police investigated and I was a suspect.

I was going to court on this week on Friday.


I heard Bella walking to my bed and I felt a little hopeful that something good happened.

But things go bad sometimes and Bella was accused of murdering her own mother!

"I want to go with you,but all this homework is drowning me and let's add in I can't even walk!"

Bella laughed. I was happy to see her smile before Friday.

~~~10 hours till court~~~

Just only 10 hours, and I haven't got a lawyer.I haven't got anything prepared.  I won't see Lily. I will go to jail.

My phone went off and I went back to see Lily before the court begins. But lily wasn't there.

I told the nurse and sprinted outside to see that Lily and the new kid were kissing behind a tree.

I don't want to interfere for Lily's love life. Although he kidnapped me and tried to kill me and I won't say anything. Nothing at all.

~~~6 hours till court~~~

Four hours ago I was making out with him outside and now I'm in his apartment naked.

He won me with magic it almost seemed like.

I went to the toilet and on the side was a pregnancy test and I tight it would be funny to use it...








I was pregnant.

I don't know what to think. But I knew I wasn't going to tell Bella but I was gonna tell my boyfriend.


He smiled and continued on.

"Baby we're having a baby!"

He lifted her up and smiled.

~~~Court time~~~

"Court pleads Guilty for John Smith was the muderer!"

He frowned as he was taken away and stuck the middle finger up at me.

I knew this was what he deserved but now I had nobody. Nobody but lily.

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