Failure can be good

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Bella's PoV

I was so mad when the doctor said he gave Lily an abortion! I was furious then news came fast that Lily was very sick. I couldn't deal with it, my mum is dead, my dad in jail , my friend was pregnant , the father was my kidnapper and I have depression. I ran back to Lily's house and talked to her dad but didn't bring it up. And quickly ran into the kitchen, tears rolling down my face.


I screamed while Lily's dad came rushing in.I was in darkness blacked out. I couldn't see what was happening all I knew is that Lily's dad was helping me, I think.

Lil's PoV

I was sat with Daniel when Mr.Hank had came up to me to say that the abortion didn't work.

"That's great news thanks!"

Daniel said with a huge smile on his face, I smiled back knowing that our baby was gonna have the life I dreamed of.

"Would you like to have an abortion?"

I looked in confusion to the doctor and with no hesitation I replied.

"Oh hell no! I ain't gonna kill my child bitch!"

The doctor nodded and smiled he knew I was gonna kill him though.

~~~Time skip 8pm~~~
Lily's PoV

My dad phoned me to say Bella has stabbed herself near her heart.

I froze in fear and shock tears rolling down my eyes but I couldn't leave, I promised Bella 5 times and every single promise I have broke.Not anymore.

Daniel held my hand the entire way through. I was happy but scared.

Daniels PoV

Bella is in trouble. I would rush to go help but I'm with Lily right now, hate her! But I have to do what I can to make sure Bella doesn't tell Lily about me. I hold her hand to act normal and supporting but I will tell her I have to go!

" Sorry babe gotta go now! Love you!"

I smiled while she waved goodbye but then asked Why?

"Emm they think my mother has passed out!"

She screamed.

"Why does every bad thing happen to me!"

I felt bad for her, but needed to save Bella the one I truly desire!

Bella's PoV

I woke up in a hospital surrounded by doctors.

"Help me!"

They doctor quickly inserted a drug into me to put me asleep for a couple of hours but they fucked up really badly.

Joshua Matters PoV

I walked into the hospital for a regular check up after Levi broke my heart but I saw Bella in trouble and quickly went to see her they put a drug in her but they accidentally used the wrong drug and that caused her to stay awake.

She was screaming in pain I then rushed in a held her hand when the doctors realised it was too late...




Bella's POV

He held my hand and black out I stopped they stopped.
I felt my presence leave my body, I was dead.

Lily's POV

Daniel rushed in and told me Bella was dead. I was crying screaming for everyone to leave. And for the first time my dad wanted to support me through this tough time. Bella was dead. I went to her room to see her body was no longer there but it was a bit strange she wasn't there because she had inky died about two minutes ago.

Then a text from Bella popped up it read:

"I'm not dead but he took me"

Another kidnapping. People just wanna take Bella away from me.

Now the only thing is no one even knows where she is.

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