I can't do it

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When Miss said we were going to sing by ourselves, I was petrified.

The things that happened yesterday haunted me and now I live with her I have to protect her from any harm or danger she is putting herself into.

I gave Lily a thumbs up and she sung so beautifully I teared up a bit.

A couple of other people sang and then the bell rang it was break time (Thank god)

Me and Lily got outside then Levi came over to me.

"Hey look Bella, you gotta come with us!"

Lily looked at me and stepped in front to defend me but I pulled her back and followed them.Buy I felt so guilty leaving Lily by herself.

~~lily pov~~

I tried to defend Bella but she pushed me back as if she could handle her own fight.And then she followed them.
I secretly followed them to the girls bathroom where they forced Bella into cutting herself that's when I barged into the bathroom and screamed.Blood was everywhere and Bella was on the ground.Bella was rushed to hospital and told she was going to stay there for the week.

~~~Bella PoV~~~


I hit the floor and all I heard was a scream then I dropped to the ground.I remember waking up and seeing that Lily wasn't next to me but my parents were.

"You're awake my sweetie-pie!"

My mother said,I thought I was dreaming but then I realised the nurse was in the room and charging press counts against my parents for abusing me after my scan they found doses of their fingerprints on my body and they were going to go to court unless they prove that it wasn't them after my questioning at the police station.

~~~Lily's PoV~~~

I returned home to grab a few things before going to the hospital but then my Dad came and slammed the door behind me.

"So you failed you math exam!"

I knew I got a C but that's a passing grade mark not and F!

"No dad I got a C!"

He looked at me in confusion and didn't believe me.

"Right then go do what you were gonna do then!"

I zoomed upstairs grabbed my things and got out of the house as fast as I could before something terrible was to happen.

My legs were broken but since I cut off my cast I have been in pain but why not right my dad was gonna punish me Anyways!

~~~Bell's POV~~~

I was alone in the dark trying to get to sleep but I couldn't.Then I heard the door creek open at first I thought it was a nurse but I turned round to see Joshua Matters.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Levi. I broke up with her when I found out about the entire thing!"

He sounded really sorry.

"You broke up with her for me?"

I was kind of shocked and very excited like was he gonna ask me out!

"Yeah anything for you. Let's get out of this place!"

He lifted me up and took me to his house.And we went down to the basement where I was chained up against the wall and when he switched on the lights.I realised. It was the new kid!

I was lost with words.

"Let me go!"

I begged and pleaded.

"I cannot do that, I am your guardian , keeping you away from danger. I know everything Bella. Everything about you!"

He looked at me and smirked it was like he put a spell on me but without magic!

"I hate you!"

I yelled.

"I love you too!"

He ignored me and let me sit there.

"What are you going to do with me?"

I was scared and tried to reach for my phone to text Lily.But I couldn't reach it.


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