Mornings are rough.

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~~~ 4 am~~~ Bella's house~~~
Bella woke up to the screaming and yelling of her parents fighting.


Bella got up and tip toed to her little dresser with floral imprints on the front.Bella put her little hand on to the Jewel handle and pulled open to get dressed in her school uniform.The next second her Mum was screaming.


Bella ignored it and started to put on her makeup.


Bella's father stormed in her bedroom and slapped her in the face.

"Who do you think you are up this early, get out now!"

Her father demanded she left at once and that's exactly what Bella did.

Bella picked up her school bag and left her lunch at the side.But when she was alone she grabbed a knife and cut herself four times on each wrist and cut her collarbone.

And quickly left.

~~~ 5 am~~~Lily's house~~~

Lily's red alarm went off and she got up out of bed.

Lily walked over to her Huge, black wardrobe and put on her uniform.


Her father walked in her bedroom and told her to hurry up.

Lily went into the bathroom and got her dad's razor and cut along her Left side to her right side of her hip.

Minutes later Lily was about to leave when her Dad found the bloody razor sat on the bathroom sink.

He raced to Lily and grabbed her by the neck and threw her downstairs.

Screaming in pain Lily tried to get up before he hurt her even more.

But he didn't he left her lying there.

~~~6 am~~~Bella walking~~~

Bella soon arrived at Lily's house and saw in through the window and sprinted in without any hesitation and lifted her up and ran to the local ER Hospice and got her an X-Ray.

"Lily on the 15/1/17 You have broken both of your legs-reason you fell of the kerb and smacked you leg of the pole!"

Bella looked at Lily as if she was very disappointed because she knew she was at home when the incident happened, Bella needed to know the truth.

"What really happened?"

Lily looked back at Bella and started to tear up.

"I fell down the stairs, that's all"

Lily knew she was lying but she didn't want her only family to go to jail.

"Oh well you could of told the doctor that!"

Bella was a bit suspicious at first but started to believe her, because best friends don't lie.

"Right girls,Lily will have to stay and her parent or guardian will have to pick her up but you can get a lift to school. Is it Alice?"

"Yes, Alice Cremè's High School"

Bella hugged Lily and got in the car and went to school.

~~~ 1pm~~~ School~~~

It was lunch and Bella was sat all alone, Lily was her only friend.

"Hey girls look it's the loser, Bella Smith!"

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