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Bella POV

Lily has invited me out with Carter to Fairytail cafè so I thought it would be the perfect moment to tell them something I have always wanted to!

I got ready in a stunning black dress and white heels paired with my ying-yang necklace

The year I got out of the hospital was before Christmas and I got a car for my birthday and driving lessons from Hiro my new boyfriend I met while in hospital. We have been together for 8 months now and he got me a BMW V.8 for Christmas talk about an amazing boyfriend!

He wasn't invited I told him but he said to me

"Remember sweetie you have to tell them!"

I knew I needed to as well. Lily might be mad but maybe she might be happy for me.

I arrived in my BMW and Carter opened the door for me.

"Hey Bella you good?"

I had a lovely welcome by Carter.

"I am doing wonderfully and you?"

I said kindly.

"Well! How's Hiro?"

I was very surprised he asked about Hiro considering he hasn't seen him in about 2 months!

"He is doing well!"

I was ready to say what I was gonna say but decided to wait until we had our little try's out with little cups of tea in them also with scrumptious cupcakes on the side.

I sat down in the leather chair across from Lily and Carter but then I seen two random people come and approach  us but then they sat down and the lady then said

"Hello darling I'm so sorry."

I was confused but then Lily explained and then they explained themselves for lying to her.

After we had all got that behind us I needed Lily's attention.

"Em Guys can I tell you something?"

Lily nodded her head and looked in excitement.

"I'm moving into a house with Hiro!"

Lily's jaw dropped and I could see her hand squeeze Carters.

"How come!"

I quickly replied.

"Well I have got a job and Hiro is 18 and is a anime producer so we can afford to move and we wanted to live together!"

Lily jumped up and hugged me then asked the question.

"Where are you guys moving too?"

This was the part I was dreading. We were going to live miles away from each other and I felt bad for Lily.

"I am moving to a land called Fairytail! This place was named after it!"

Carter looked in confusion.

"Isn't that a school?"

He said.

"It is and it's a land and it's a café! It's many different things but soon it's going to be where I live"

Lily looked amazed.

"Wait Fairtail is miles away from here!"

I knew I told the truth and done the right thing.

"When are you moving?"

Lily's asked.

"I'm sorry but we are leaving on Tuesday. Two days from now."

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