Chapter Two : The unwanted truth

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Third person pov

Clary and Alec get back from Taki's, which took a while since it was so full of Mundanes. They called everyone down and slowly Isabelle and Max came into the kitchen. Clary realised that Jace wasn't there yet, so she thought he was still asleep in the infirmary.

As she walked toward the Infirmary doors she noticed two dark figures, She didn't know who they where so she automatically reached towards her weapons beat , she was about to draw out her blade , until she saw a flash of gold and realised it was Jace but she didn't know who was with him.

She moved closer and, to her surprise, saw that it was a tall, slim, brunette. They were holding each other and laughing.

Clary didn't want Jace to see her so she hid in the closest room. She held her breath as she watched Jace lead the tall girl into his room while smiling.

Clary slowly dropped to the ground and let it all sink in. She didn't realise she was crying, so she wiped her tears away roughly but it kept flowing. She realised that she she was assuming the worst but what else was she supposed to think.

Was shenit enough for him?Was she not good enough? He was her first so maybe she wasn't as experienced as he would like.

She heard some noises that innocent ears should not hear and her sobs increased, she automatically put her fist to her mouth and scrambled to her feet. As she walked back to the kitchen she felt her heart slowly break apart and she knew in that moment , that maybe she wasn't meant to be with Jace.

Before she entered she stopped outside the kitchen and took deep breath. She took out an ordinary blade to see her reflection, it was a little fuzzy but she saw that the swelling around her eyes had faded and her nose was still red but not too noticeable , she placed the blade back and then walked in.

They all turned to look at Clary but they didn't seem to notice anything different about Clary.  Isabelle looked towards Clary and raised her eyebrows curiously.

" Why are you looking at me like that?" Clary asked, her voice sounding a little rough.

"Where's Jace?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know" Clary answered flatly.

"Didn't you go to get him?" She asked.

"No" Clary said defensively

"Oh , i just thought - "

" I don't know where he is " Clary cut her off .

Alec was staring at Clary so she shot him a glare and turned back to her food. He just stopped eating and stood up quickly and began walking towards the door

" I'll go get him. He's not going to get any food if I don't go get him." He mumbled.

He walked away slowly and Clary waited to see how he would react to Jace with another girl.

Izzy and Clary were parabatai so Clary found it easy to speak to her, so the just spoke about Mundanes and shopping a bit while Max finished his food and went to his room. They were laughing so hard when, out of nowhere, there was a big BANG! And a scream, more like a screech.

Clary and Isabelle ran out of the kitchen ,Clary decides to go check on Max, not very interested if anything happened to Jace, while Isabelle walked briskly towards Jace's room.

She opened his door, but he was sitting on his bed with his earphones in and drawing. He looked up at Clary and she just flashed a quick thumbs up in his direction , he gave her one of those boy nods and she walked away closing the door behind her.

She slowly made her way to Jace's room and pushed the slightly open door wider. The first thing she saw was her,the same tall brunette she saw earlier, in nothing but the bed covers around her. Clary felt like she was going to throw up, but she held it in.

Well he works quick

The next thing she saw was Jace, wearing nothing but tracksuit bottoms, being tackled by both Isabelle and Alec. His eye was already swollen and blue, his hair was tousled and he looked like he'd broken his right arm, because he was cradling it with his left. He screamed out loud when Alec punched him in his right arm, Alec didn't stop and Jace didn't stop screaming either.

Izzy was walking towards the tall brunette when she saw Clary leaning casually against the door frame, she looked at Clary with sad eyes, but Clary just turned and walked out of the room.

Authors note:

Hope you enjoyed . Sorry for any mistakes. Please comment and vote. Update soon.

Thank You for reading this far :)

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