Chapter Eleven : Friends?

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Jace's POV

I am actually very confused. Over the past year, Clary and I have been close. But she keeps her distance.

When she dated Alec for that short time, I was actually surprised. Izzy and Simon are still dating. They've been dating for a year and a half now. I'm happy for Izzy, Simon makes her happy. That's all I want for my little sister.

I don't know if Clary wants me to ask her out again. She's been really confusing. I don't know weather we're friends or more. Should I be the one making it more?

Clary's become a great shadowhunter. Thanx to me. I've been training her everyday.

Today, I was walking towards the training room when I heard a crash. It sounded like it was coming from the training room.

I walked in and saw Clary lying on top of our knife shelf with a broken supporting rope dangling at her feet. The other half was hanging from a beam.

She stood up and winced. She then twisted her body and pulled something out of her right leg. She turned back around and I saw it was a sharp dagger, it had blood dripping down its blade and hilt.

I looked at her face, but she looked very calm. I walked towards her and she looked up.

"Ouch, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just gonna go change my pants. I'll be right back. " She said.

" Wait, let me come with you. I'll wait outside your room. And when you done I can help you with an iratze. " I offered.

"Good idea. Let's go , this thing won't stop bleeding." She said.

I helped her walk to her room and waited for her while she changed. After some time she came out with shorts and her stab wound was cleaned and exposed.

I bent down and drew out my stele. I drew an iratze and stood up. She showed me her arms, which had my small slits, so I drew iratzes on her arms too.

She waited for it to heal and we went back to the training room. We worked long and hard that day. Clary was becoming really hard to beat during sparring matches.

After training I went into the shower and changed. When I emerged through the doorway from the bathroom to the training room. Clary was singing. She looked up quickly and blushed crimson.

I smiled and started cleaning up. She stood up quickly and helped me. I hid my smile. I think I'm going to do it, I'm going to ask her out...again.

I mentally planned when I was going to do it and how. When we were done cleaning up I was so tired. I said goodnight to Clary and made my way to my room. On my way there I stopped at Alec, Isabelle and Max's rooms, to check on them.

They were all asleep. Alec left his light on and he was still wearing his jeans and his shoes were still on too. I pulled out his shoes and rolled him over, so that he would be in the middle of the bed. I turned off his light and closed his door.

As soon as I got to my room, I closed my door and went straight to sleep. I don't remember dreaming that night. I remember waking up and showering. 

I went down to the kitchen and saw that someone prepared breakfast. Alec, Clary, Isabelle, and Max walked in one by one.

Clary looked the most alive. She had her bright hair in a ponytail and she was wearing a loose black T-shirt with black yoga pants and no shoes.

She looked straight at me and smiled. I smiled back. Today is the day, I'm going to ask her out... again. 

Authors note :

Hey there. Sorry for any mistakes. Short chapter, sorry. Thanks for all the reads. Hope you enjoyed. Update soon. Thanx for reading this far :)

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