Chapter Seven : The Living and the Dead

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Jace POV

I was so occupied with all the demons
I didn't realise Clary was back up until she was right in front of me decapitating a demon.

I could see the big round wound in her shoulder and I knew that she didn't draw an iratze for it. But she was still fighting hard. I felt kinda proud or happy for her, one of them.

She turned to look for someone, somewhere inside I was hoping that it was me she was looking for , but of course it wasn't. She looked straight at Isabelle and they had a telepathic conversation. She smiled, something about the way she smiled sent a shiver down my spine, and she collapsed again.

I whirled around to look for Alec but to my surprise, he was already running towards Clary. I was instantly jealous. He got to her and Isabelle was killing any demons that came close to Clary and Alec , he took out his stele and drew a iratze, I'm guessing, he looked expectant. But then his faced changed , to worry or fear, he called Izzy and said something that I didn't catch.

Izzy's head whipped up and she looked around wildly. Her eyes settled on me and she yelled.

" Jace! Come quick! Clary!" She said fast.

There were a few demons in my way, so I made quick work of them and moved towards the rest of the group. I helped Alec pick Clary up, she weighed nothing, and we made our way to the door.

Clary's phone began to ring. Isabelle reached into Clary's pocket and answered the call.

"Hey, This is Clary's phone. She's busy right now. Can I say who called?" She said quickly.

There was a muffled male voice on the other side of the line.

"Simon?" Isabelle asked.

More muffled speaking.

" Clary's had and accident. It's pretty bad." Isabelle got to the point.

Muffled voice and then the line cut.

"Simons coming." Izzy said while sliding Clary's phone into her own pocket.

"Okay, what's he doing up so late? " Alec asked.

We were almost halfway to the institute.

"He's a vampire Alec" Izzy snapped.

"Oh right" Alec said.

We turned into the institute gates and I saw Simon standing there.

"Daylighter" I said.

"Don't Daylighter me, I know what you did to Clary. I'm surprised she's still here." He glared at me.

"You guys look like your struggling, let me help you" Simon added while picking Clary up, bridal style.

I was panicking on the inside. But on the outside I was calm. We walked to the infirmary and Isabelle was running around everywhere. She called me to help her look for a bottle and bandages.

"Uhh, guys. She's not breathing." Simon said worriedly.

"Simon calm down." Isabelle told her boyfriend.

"Okay, I'm gonna be sitting here if you need me." He said softly while staring at Clary and sitting on the bed next to her.

"Jace, please hand me the bandages." Izzy asked me.

" And can someone find Alec!" She sounded stressed.

"She's really pale Jace." Simon directed at me.

Why was he telling me?

"Izzy, she's dying!" I yelled at Isabelle

"Jace!" She yelled back.

A few hours later

We were all breathing heavily. After about two hours of running around and yelling at each other.

Clary started breathing again. I was so relieved. I walked to my room and sat down on my bed.

I began to think about the first time I saw Clary. Our first kiss in the greenhouse , Sebastian, The Demon Relms, The Angel Raziel , Valentine.

I've been through so much with Clary. I Love Her. I still Love Clarissa Fairchild. I don't know why I ever stopped loving her. I will never leave her.

I changed and started walking back to the infirmary. When I got to the doors I saw Alec sitting there next to Clary's motionless body, all that was moving was her chest.

He seemed to be talking to her. I turned and walked to the training room.

Alec POV

I saw Clary collapse while we were fighting the demons. I ran to her and tried to draw a iratze. But it didn't work. I told Isabelle and she got Jace.

I was so scared. Will Clary be okay? I hoped she would be fine. I left her in the infirmary and left.

I went to the library to think. I was walking back to the infirmary when I heard Simon say she wasn't breathing, my heart stopped beating. It couldn't be!

I turned and went back to the library. Clary isn't dead. She can't be. Jace came into the library and said that they needed my help.

We helped Isabelle till we were breathing so hard. I went to my room and sat down on the floor next to my bed to think.

I Love Clary. She is my light. I would never hurt Clary. She is such a beautiful, smart and caring person. I Love Clary.

Authors Note :

Hey there. Sorry for any mistakes. It isn't very long today. Sorry. Please comment requests and thoughts. Update soon. Thanx for reading this far :)

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