Chapter Six : The Real World

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Clary POV

I was woken up by a loud banging on my door. I rolled of bed and quickly walked to the door.

Jace was standing there in his gear and his weapons beat fully loaded.

"Jace, what's wrong?" I asked, forgetting what happened yesterday.

He looked shocked at my question.
"Uhhh, a few shadowhunters from downtown called to say that they couldn't fight off some demons,there were only two of them , so they left. I came to tell you to get dressed." He said, confused.

"Demons?" I asked.

"Yeah" He repeated.

"What's the time?" I asked, leaning on the door , yawning.

"It's one Clary" He replied.

"In the morning!?" I said

"Yes" He said

"I'm so tired" I complained.

"Me too. But apparently there's quite a few." He said.

"Oh. Okay then. See you downstairs." I said.

"Yeah." He said. He looked uncomfortable. I looked down at my self and realised why he was uncomfortable.

Yesterday, it was so hot I must have taken off half of my clothes while I was asleep. I was wearing pj shorts and my sports bra with socks.

It's not like he's never seen me like this before. But I guess it might be a little weird after everything.

"Oh, uhh, sorry." I apologised.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, see you soon." I said.

"Yeah okay" He said and I closed the door.

I changed into my gear and went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then I brushed my hair and tied it in a ponytail, I didn't put any makeup. It was too early in the morning for makeup. I just made sure I looked and smelled okay and walked out. In my room, I gathered all my weapons and my stele, and made my way downstairs.

When I got there Isabelle and Jace were the only ones there. Izzy was standing as far away from Jace as possible. I went over to Izzy and she turned around. She looked tired too.

We waited for about five minutes when Alec finally showed up. He walked over to Jace.

Wait. What? Are they talking again? They are parabatai, so I guess it's okay. In a way.

I looked at Isabelle and she looked as confused as I was. We walked out and Jace turned to me.



He showed me his phone and asked : "Where's this ?"

"Oh that's the abandoned school close to where Simon lives." I said.

"Could you lead the way please."

"Yeah, okay"

Izzy and I started walking and Alec and Jace followed. We talked for most of the way. We got there and I almost walked past it. I quickly stopped and Alec walked straight into me. We fell and he landed on top of me.

"Alec! Ow! You weigh a ton!" I complained.

"Sorry" He said. And gracefully stood up.

He helped me up and I dusted myself off. Isabelle and Jace were literally rolling on the floor and laughing.

"You can shut up now " I said.

They both stopped and tried to look serious. Alec drew a silence, strength, and so many more runes on me and I drew his. We pulled out our witch lights stones and walked through the already open gates and into the school.

The first thing that hit me was the strong ichor smell. I heard a noise, but as I turned, a swarm of demons came our way.

I dodged one and drew out my seraph blade and shouted it's name. It turned and came back at me. I sliced at it and it fell to the ground. It started shaking, then it vanished.

I took on three more and killed them all. I was picking up my blade when I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder and screamed. I looked at my shoulder and saw a sharp something protruding out of it. It drew itself out and I fell to the ground.

Jace's POV

After our argument yesterday, I couldn't sleep. I went to the library and just sat in a chair, thinking.

I was pulled out of my reverie when the phone rang. I answered it and went to my room. I put on my gear and set out to wake Isabelle and Alec up.

I hesitated when I got to Clary's room. I knocked once , then twice , then on the third time I knocked hard.

I heard some shuffling so I stopped and held my breath. Clary answered the door and my jaw almost dropped open.

She was wearing her sports bra and pj shorts. I've seen her like that before, but we broke up and so much happened between us. So I felt awkward.

She asked me what was wrong which surprised me even more. She cares? I'm confused.

I told her what happened then walked to the elevator. Izzy showed up and stood on the far side of the lobby.

Clary came and went over to Izzy then Alec. We walked a little bit when I realised I didn't know where this place was. I asked Clary and she lead the way.

Once we got there she stopped so abruptly that Alec bumped into her and they fell. Izzy started laughing and I joined in.

Clary shot a remark at us and we stopped. We all drew our runes and prepared ourselves. We walked in and almost immediately greeted by a swarm of demons. All kinds of them came right at us. I see why those other shadowhunters couldn't do this.

It was about ten minutes when I heard Clary scream. A ravenor demon stabbed her with its talon and when it pulled it out she fell to the ground. I fought my demon off and tried to make my way to Clary but my way was blocked by so many demons.

Clary POV

I got up and found my blade. I looked around and almost all of the demons where gone. There were a few really big ones that I couldn't really make out what kind they where.

My shoulder was continuously bleeding and I felt dizzy. Another demon came my way and I threw a dagger at it. The blade hit it square in the head , but it kept coming.

It was still far away from me so I had time to pull out my seraph blade again. It was right in front of me so I moved my blade and slit it's throat. I used all the energy I had left.

I had to deal with two more demons. When I was done with them I looked around again. There we still so many. By now, I was covered in ichor and my blood. My hair from my ponytail was plastered to my face and I had cuts and bruises all over my body.

I was still bleeding. And moving my arm so much wasn't exactly making it better. Every time I moved my left arm I felt the wound tear further open. I screamed every time I moved my shoulder.

I looked at Izzy and she looked at me. She was also covered in ichor. Her hair was stuck to her neck and her arms were covered with blood.

I smiled and collapsed, knowing that I should have done something about the wounds. But I lost my stele. I layed there on the ground and watched the sunlight fill the room.

It was morning. I closed my eyes like I was sleeping and slowly started to drift away...

Authors note :

Hey there. Sorry for any mistakes. Update soon. Please feel free to comment. Thanx for reading this far :)

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