Chapter Nine : The Love That Never Left

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Clary POV

I opened my eyes and it took them a moment to adjust to the bright light. When they adjusted, I saw Jace standing by the window watching the sunrise. He turned around and looked startled. I smiled at him and he smiled my favourite smile back.

He walked towards the chair next to my bed and started picking up some pillows and blankets. I guess he slept here last night.

I watched him as he moved gracefully the way he does. He looked at me and asked if I was okay. I said that I was fine. When I tried to get up, an excruciating pain shot through my entire body.

Jace ran to help me and I took his hand. I didn't let go and looked at him. The pain came back and I squeezed his hand.

It went on and I ended up crying. He wiped my tears and sat back down after trying to get a tissue. I fell asleep with his hand in mine.

Jace's POV

I was woken up by someone shaking me. It was Clary, she was still in bed but I was sprawled across the bottom half of the bed.

She was sitting with her legs folded. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

" Sorry, I didn't want to wake you. I just thought that it was getting really late. It's two in the afternoon." She said.

"Oh, really?" I said my voice felt rough.

"Yeah" She said.

"Thanx " I said.

"Sure. Alec and Isabelle came to visit. So did my mom and Luke. Simon was here from the morning." She told me.

"What?" I asked, embarrassed.

She giggled and said: " I'm kidding"

She started laughing. And I laughed a little too.

"My mom and Luke did call. And so did Simon." She said, smiling.

"Oh okay. I'm going to shower and change." I said as I stood up. I felt a little dizzy.

"Yeah, okay" She said.

"I'll be back" I said, feeling a little stupid.

"Okay " She brightened up again.

A few minutes later

I went back to the infirmary and watched Clary silently as she drew in her sketchpad. She looked so peaceful as she switched pencils and pushed her hair out of her face.

I walked in and she looked up. She smiled and looked me up and down. I felt a little self conscious.

"What you drawing?" I asked.

"An Angel" She said.

"Oh " I said, walking to stand next to her. I looked at the page and saw a boy with light hair and light eyes. With big wings sprouting out from his back.

I looked closely and saw that he had runes on all the same places I had mine. I looked at the rune on his chest and absent mindedly touched my chest.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yeah, is it good?" She looked at me.

"Wow, yeah. It's great." I said.

"Thanx" She said ,looking pleased with herself.

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