Chapter Ten : Forever

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Clary POV

I was in the shower when I felt really sick. I closed the tap and dried off. Once I was done slipping on my pj bottoms, I felt like I had no air left.

The last thing I remember was a strong pain in my chest, grasping for air, and collapsing on my bathroom floor.

I felt blank. Like I had no thoughts or feelings. Then after what felt like forever, I felt a rush of air flow through me and I sat up so fast I felt dizzy. I looked around and saw Isabelle sitting in the floor next to me with tears in her eyes. I was crying too.

She handed me my shirt and helped me put it on. I was so confused. What just happened?

Magnus came in and healed me. He said to take it easy for about a week. I didn't say anything.

After some time I asked what happened. They told me that the demon poisoning spread to my heart and that I was dead for about a minute. Izzy brought me back.

We all stood and Magnus hugged me. I smiled at him and we walked out. When we were in my room, Jace was pacing up and down the room. He saw me and started throwing questions.

Izzy and Magnus answered for me. I just thought about what happened. They left, it was just Jace and I in the room.

He said my name and I came apart. I walked over to him and cried into his chest. I couldn't believe what just happened. I died. I left everything behind. It could have been forever.

I cried and cried, until it felt like I had no tears left. Jace just held me. That was enough. I needed him, he was the only one that could make me feel better.

One week later

It's been a week since I died. I feel way better now. I've barely spoken to anyone. Jace has been taking really good care of me. 

I've spent all of my time in my room. I haven't trained in one week. Today is my last rest day. I'm usually asleep during the day and awake at night.

But today I woke up at 7am. I washed up and went downstairs to eat. I was alone in the kitchen. I preferred being alone for now.

Alec has spent a lot of time with me. He's been there almost all the time. Even at night when I was awake. We wouldn't speak much. But his company made me feel better.

I finished breakfast and went to the training room. I looked around to choose the easiest station. I chose the weights. To get my strength going again. I drew all my needed runes on and started. I moved on to the throwing knives and started throwing.

I missed almost every time. But after about an hour I was throwing them at the target. Once I was happy with my throwing, I moved on to the beams. Those were the worst, I always felt like I was falling. The last time I was up here, I didn't use supporting ropes. And I stuck a landing.

I don't think it'll happen this time, so I attached my ropes and started. I tried a few times then got it again. I was flipping around the entire training room. Off the walls and everything.

I was halfway back to normal at the end of the day. I walked slowly back to my room and changed.

I changed into my jeans with a plain white shirt and my leather jacket , ready to go out. I walked to Izzy's room and she screeched with excitement to see me up.

"Hey , Izzy. " I said while she was hugging me.

"Hey Clary!" She said loudly.

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