Chapter Twelve: The Final Chapter

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Clary POV

It's been a week since Jace asked me out again. At first I thought that it was exactly what I wanted . But then I thought, he's hurt me before, he can do it again.

I eventually said okay and he was beaming. We've been together again for a week.

To be honest, I'm very happy. Jace and I are meant to be together. We're Jace and Clary. If you want one the other one is part of the package.

Jace has been the sweetest boyfriend in the world in the past week. He makes breakfast with me, brings me flowers and food, and reads to me whenever I want him to.

Last night, after he read to me. We got a little taken away and I ended up waking up this morning with nothing on. I didn't regret it. I was glad that it was with Jace. I'd rather it be with Jace than anyone else.

After I changed his bed sheet, I washed his previous one and let it dry. I walked uncomfortably to the kitchen and ate pancakes with hot chocolate.

I just stayed in his room the entire day. He came in occasionally. First he came in to put on his training , clothes then he came in when he was done with training, he took a shower and then left again, and finally he came back with Chinese food.

We ate and spoke almost the entire night. The following day I was in such a good mood. I woke up and looked at Jace, he was still asleep so I slowly climbed on top of him and bent down really close to him.

First I kissed him then I screamed really loudly in his ear. His eyes shot open and I rolled off him, laughing so hard. He looked around disorientated, then he realised what happened, I knew he would try to get me back somehow.

So I got off the bed and ran as fast as I could, I opened the door and ran down the corridor. He was right behind me and he was speeding up.
So I sped up. I took an unexpected left and ended up at a dead end.

I turned around and Jace slowed down. He slowly walked towards me and he was about to tickle me when we heard Alec and Magnus.

Alec came out as gay when Jace and I told everyone that we were back together. So turns out that Magnus, Alec's best friend, was also gay. And they had feelings for each other.

Jace looked at me with wide eyes and I almost burst out laughing. He took my hand and we ran back to our room. We were both laughing and then Jace got up and put his hand into his pocket.

I sat up and looked at him. I was still smiling so wide. He took his hand out and my face fell. He knelt down on one knee and looked at me straight in the eyes...

The End

Authors Final Note:

Hey there. I am so grateful for All of you guys who have read my crappy fanfiction thingy. I hope you did enjoy it. Please comment and vote. I would be really happy if you commented. I have no idea weather people like it or not. Sorry if you didn't like it. I'll be writing more fanfiction, fantasy , or just stories. Whatever. Thanx again.

Thanx for reading this far :)

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