21. Getting to know (part 2)

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At the table, I let Stephen help Bryan into his booster seat, hoping it'll encourage him to relax.

Once we're all seated, Bryan blesses the food reciting the little prayer that they taught him at pre-k.

After I serve everyone their food, I pour some of the sparkling apple cider for Bryan and myself. I then pour Stephen a bit if wine, hoping again, that it will calm his nerves.

Bryan, ever perceptive, notices the difference in drinks. "What's dat?" He asks, pointing at the glass in Stephen's hand.

"Uhh." Stephen replies, obviously at a loss for words. "It's, uhh, grape juice."

"How come I didn't get any grape juice?" Bryan questions, even more curious now.

Again, Stephen gapes for words. "Because this grape juice is for grown ups." He smiles, thinking that that will be the end of the inquisition.

"What makes it different from grape juice for kids?" Bryan replies without missing a beat. I have to put my head down to keep from laughing. Both at Bryans relentless questions, and the look of astonishment on Stephen's face because Bry has yet to drop the subject.

"It has an extra special something in it." Stephen says.

"What kinda extra special something?" He tilts his head to the side. Unable to contain myself, I bust out laughing, surprising the both of them.

Stephen smiles, probably realizing how comical the entire situation is. "It's a....secret ingredient that I can't tell you. Only grown ups can know, and if I told you I'd be breaking the law."

Bryan fixes his lips to ask another question. "I think that's enough of those questions honey. You haven't even started on your dinner." I tell him.

It's obvious that he wants to ask something else, but instead he shrugs his shoulders and starts on his chicken salad.

We eat in an awkward silence for a few moments before Bryan opens his mouth. Again.

"How old are you?" He directs toward Stephen.

"Uh, twenty-six." He pauses to bring a fork full of salad to his mouth. "How old are you?"

He answer with a mouth full of food."Four." He swallows. "Do you have a job? Mom says men that don't have jobs are scrubs. Are you a scrub?"

Stephen chokes on his drink. "I'm not a scrub." He laughs, shooting me a humorous look. "I have a job."

"Where do you work?"

"I own a company that makes and sells toys. You've probably got a couple of them upstairs in your room." He tells him.

"You know that business suit costume you have upstairs, honey? Stephen's company made that." I interject, trying to gain Stephen some points.

Bryans eyes go wide. "Really?!" He asks. "That's my favoritest toy!"

A wide grin stretches its way across Stephen's face as his eyes light up. "I'm glad you like it." He tells him.

Dinner continues with Bryans constant questioning and Stephen answering to the best of his abilities.

After dinner, we move to the living room.

Bryan brings out a bunch of his toys, half of them made by S&S Toys, and invites Stephen to play with him.

"I'll be superman, and you can be Batman." Bryan tells him at one point, trying to put on the superman costume over his clothes.

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