26. Dinner

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Longer chapter this week, cause school is FINALLY out, and I'm a finalist in the INTERRACIAL AWARDS!!🙌👏🎉🎉. Thank you guys so much for nominating me. I'm nominated in 3 categories: Best Writing, Best Plot, and Best Title. It would mean the world to me if you guys could please, please vote. Thank you sooo much! Enjoy the chapter.


Calvin looks over the room, seemingly taking everything in, before turning to me and walking in my direction.

"Krystina. So lovely to see you again." He says as he pulls me in for an, extremely awkward, half hug. The way the greeting rolls off of his lips doesn't do much to reveal his true emotions. There's no guilt, no anger, and not even the slightest hint of happiness.

He says it's "lovely to see me again", but mentally, he probably wishes I was dead for all I know.

A tense silence fills the air as I search for an adequate and appropriate response to his greeting.

Do I respond honestly and tell him that's it's not all that good to see him, given the circumstances?

Or, do I do the more polite thing and, regardless of how I feel towards him, pretend as if it's actually good to see him again?

Honesty is the best policy.......................or so they say.

Let's go with that.

"If I'm being honest, which I am, it's actually not all that great to see you again, Mr. Sims." For a moment, just for a moment, my statements unveils a chink in his armor. He's mildly taken by surprise, as is evident my the slight widening of his eyes and raising of his eyebrows.

The surprise expression quickly gives way to that same signature smirk that Stephen, and probably all the Sims men, possess. "Well," he begins, "Given the, uh, circumstances, I can definitely respect that statement Krystina. And since we're on the topic, I'd really appreciate it if I were able to speak to you before dinner. Privately."


I was hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with Calvin one-on-one until after we finished the movie.

"Yeah, sure. That's fine." I tell him, barely squashing down the anxiety I suddenly start to feel.

Stephen, sensing it, hurriedly comes up next to me and starts to suggests that he accompany me to this "private" meeting with his father.

"No need, son." Calvin tells him, holding out a hand to halt any further movement or talking. "This is a conversation that Krystina and I need to have. Just us, no one else." Seeing the expression on Stephen's face, he adds "Don't worry, I'll bring her back in one piece."

Before anything else can be said, he turns and heads in the direction of what I assume is a private office of some sort.

Logically, I follow.

Once were both in the room, he turns and closes the door softly. Not looking in my direction once, he walks over to what looks like a small liquor cabinet standing to the left of the large oak desk. Grabbing two small coaster, two tumblers, and a large bottle of brown liquid, no doubt whiskey, he begins to pour us each a drink.

He finally looks up at me after he's done, and motions me over to the desk. He hands me my drink whilst taking a large gulp of his.

He sets the glass down on top of the coaster, takes a seat in the leather chair behind the desk, and starts to speak. "I'm not going to apologize for what I did, let's start there."

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