[Revised/Edited] Episode 7: Confrontation

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-"Some live by battle, others through words. It is better to do the latter, for battle can lead to an untimely death"


Stupid... why did I keep getting into others' business? That was one of the reasons why I had no friends during middle school...

"Ryomi found the stones!" Ryomi yelled, running up to me. Her smile faded as she noticed my concern. "Is Nyima fine?"

I chuckled upon hearing her refer to the two of us as if we weren't present. "I'll get over it," I said, rolling my arms. "Let's go."

Ryomi hugged her bear with her free hand. "What's that Beary? Nyima seems worried?"

Ugh, the girl was starting to remind me of myself. "Beary doesn't know what it's talking about."

The princess pouted. "Beary knows everything!"

I snickered. "Really? Then tell me, Beary, what is Lei so afraid of?"

Ryomi stared into her bear's eyes for some time. "Hmm, it's a secret."

I patted her head and snickered. Thought so. Her bear was only a bear. "Come, let's go."

She smiled and nodded, running after me.

As we walked downstairs, we ran into Ayawamat and Seron.

The guy glanced up but quickly averted direct eye contact. "Following me now?" he asked, his hands tightening around the rail.

I walked past him. "You're full of yourself. Ryomi and I are looking for another item. Thus far, we got the stones and the blooms." The clock above us indicated that only fifteen minutes remained. "Damn, we're going to cut it close."

Ryomi hugged her bear and her dragon emerged from it. "Be... I mean, Rami. Find the leaves and the crushed flowers."

The small pink dragon slightly bowed and flew off to the floors below.

The dragon was the one responding to her all this time? Wait, but how? I didn't hear Rami speak while inside the bear. Was it some kind of psychic connection, like what the triplets and the twins had?

"Something the matter?" Ryomi asked. She gave me a smug grin. "Don't ya worry. Rami will easily find the leaves and the crushed flowers. She does have a connection to plants, though she isn't technically a 'wood-type'."

"That's great, so the only item that will remain will be the scale."

"Got that covered," she responded, summoning a pink and white scale out of thin air. "Rami wants you to have this. Hmm, not sure why but she seems to like you." She pouted. "Don't think of taking her."

Rami, attached to me? I had no idea as to why she would be considering that we had barely met.

"Seron, let's follow that dragon," Ayawamat yelled, running past me. He jumped over the rails and into the darkness below as webing shot out from his hands.

"Woah," Ryomi said, her eyes shiny. "He's like a superhero!
I shook my head and ran down the stairs. "Nope, that guy is more like a villain. We got to stop him from taking our items."

Ryomi shrugged. "Rami can take him on. She won't be fighting you so she won't hold back."

'She held back against me? Why? It wouldn't be a similar situation to Adela's restricted powers, would it? But then again, why would Rami suddenly have them unlocked? Unless this little girl purposefully had her hold back...' I snickered. She did seem proud, so she probably wanted to take me on herself instead of leaving it all to her partner.

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